If a recipe states large eggs and I use size 6`s

iamashopaholic, Jan 8, 10:30pm
What ratio should I use please? I think of 6`s as being std or medium size. Thanks.

davidt4, Jan 8, 11:00pm
What are you making?Unless it's very finely tuned patisserie the difference between a standard egg and a large one is unlikely to matter.

I use free range mixed grade eggs and I've never had any problems with baking no matter what the size of the eggs.

raebee, Jan 9, 12:15am
was wondering the same thing myself today.made choccy cake and it needed 2 large eggs but just put in 2 size 6's and it came out fine.so fine, its half gone already!

iamashopaholic, Jan 16, 7:00pm
It is a lemon tart, made it in the stated size pan, just felt it could have been about 30% higher.