who uses this brand for dipping truffles, also what type of chocolate do you use?? (muffen)
Dec 16, 2:30am
I do - I use the dark for peppermint truffles and the white and milk for a range of different flavours
Dec 16, 2:48am
I use Dark Ghana, because truffle fillings are usually so sweet, the dark chocolate counters the sugar.It also stays firm.
Dec 17, 7:32pm
I prefer Dark ghana but m family all have different preferences sousually do a mixture with Dark Ghana, Milk and White - all Whittakers.Themixture looks good in bowls or in a box as a gift.
Dec 17, 7:37pm
I use Lindt or Green & Blacks 70% or 85% - bit pricier unless you look for it on special.
Dec 17, 9:18pm
I use Whittakers Madagasca for everything, tis lovely.
Dec 18, 2:39am
Does the Whittakers chocolate melt ok in the microwave?
Dec 18, 2:46pm
Bump - anyone?
Dec 18, 2:50pm
I think the OP should learn to spell.I have a battle with the spelling on my partner's behalf.He is also a Whittaker.Nice chocolate too.If I was making anything I'd use it
Dec 18, 4:39pm
Yes it melts very well - just melt until there still a few lumps than stir to remove these.That prevents overheating which will ruin the consistency.
Dec 18, 5:04pm
Oh sorry about the spelling!! (muffen)
Dec 18, 5:06pm
hi ladies, so instead of buying the expensive choc drops etc, you just buy the whittakers and melt over a bowl of water the same. Im going to make some truffles, actually got to make a few, for xmas hampers, so just good old plain whittakers?
Dec 18, 5:51pm
That's right - just break it into squares first and off you go. :-)
Dec 18, 6:14pm
melts fine in the microwave too
Dec 18, 6:16pm
brillant, thankyou you wise ladies, lol. recipe thread is fantastic, no grumpies, lovely. lol
Nov 14, 10:09am
All your 'melting' chocolate is compound anyway, I try to avoid that, mostly oil and sugar, yucky.
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