I never know do you keep them in cupboard or fridge???
Nov 19, 10:56pm
I keep eggs in the fridge but bring them to room temp before using,especially for baking.
Nov 19, 10:58pm
definitely the fridge, but bring to room temp for baking as said by eastie3
Nov 19, 11:23pm
I never put mine in the fridge ever
Nov 19, 11:26pm
eggs ages faster at room temperature
Nov 19, 11:27pm
Always out of the fridge if fresh - like from the chook in the backyard.
Definitely in the fridge from the supermarket and battery hens ...
Nov 19, 11:41pm
I keep mine in the fridge, but always wonder why if the supermarkets keep them on the shelves anyway.Sort of seems a little pointless?
Nov 20, 12:31am
Out of the fridge and rotatethem on a wooden egg rack as I add fresh ones.Supermarkets, farmers marketsstore on shelves so I followsame example.
Nov 20, 12:35am
used to always keep in the fridge but due to always running out of room i now keep them out. never had a problem, just always use them by the date on the package
Nov 20, 12:36am
If you rotate them upside down and then downside up every few days as well - they will keep for months :)
Nov 20, 12:39am
years ago when I had a large family I got cracked eggs direct from the farm- dirtcheap. never stored them in the fridge. 6-8 trays at a time. And never had a bad one. So there!
Nov 20, 4:47am
FYI - eggs have enzyme inhibitors, just like seeds and nuts. In Seeds and nuts these handy little biological thingamajiggs prevent germination until conditions are right as well as preserving the seed/nut in a viable state till said conditions occur. Therefore seeds/nuts can remain dormant and perfect for many thousands of years.
Now I'm not saying that the same can be said for eggs, however, because of the inhibitors, they can safely be stored without refrigeration for a few weeks at a time.
Nov 20, 9:55pm
ewwwwwwI get freaked out if the eggs start getting older then a week or 2
Nov 20, 11:54pm
i haveneverstoredinfridgestillusinglayedlastmthfromfreerangestillgood
Nov 21, 1:33pm
I keep mine in a cool pantry, out of direct light. Sometimes they sit there for a month or so. Never have a problem, unless they are cracked. I have more problems with 'off' eggs directly from the shop!
Nov 21, 3:39pm
We keep chooks and always store eggs out of the fridge. The only ones I ever keep in the fridge, are one's that I want to keep for a while to hardboil. The older they are, the easier they are to peel. It's nigh on impossible to peel a fresh egg.
Nov 21, 5:18pm
i was told by a chef never store eggs in the fridge. i buy small quantities (a doz) use them quickly within a week or two. they never have a chance to go off.
Aug 23, 5:58pm
store in pantry here, no problems whatsoever.
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