my friend reckons no and I've never tried so wondered what the generous opinion was ...
Oct 28, 9:49pm
Not that I am aware. However, I have seen blinis frozen in catering packs but they are a little diferent to a pikelet in that they are usually made with buckwheat.
Oct 28, 9:51pm
hmmm, thanks for that cooky, is buckwheat sold at PaknSave do you think? or a specialty shop ...
Oct 28, 9:56pm
I've frozen pikelets before. Stick them in a freezer bag or something and for the first few hours while they're freezing shake the bag around and make sure they dont stick to each other, they should then freeze separately and you can take out however many you need at a time.
Oct 28, 10:07pm
I would think you might get it at Bin Inn,you may get it at Pack N Save, it may be under a Healtheries brand. I would imagine that a pickelt from frozen which be somewhat flat and hard, not soft and spongy as a fresh one would be.
Oct 28, 10:08pm
You'd be better off freezing the batter then thawing and cooking fresh :)
Oct 28, 10:31pm
I've frozen normal ones - they work well for popping in the toaster for a no mess snack in a hurry. The other way to stop them sticking together is to freeze them on a tray (line with baking paper or something so they don't stick) then once frozen pop them in a bag.
They're not as good as fresh but a pretty close second when you don't want to bother with batter and a frypan - and you can put frozen pikelets straight in the toaster, batter would have to be defrosted before cooking.
Oct 28, 10:34pm
Yes you can freeze pikelets no problems :-)
Oct 28, 11:40pm
We freeze them all the time and use for school lunches.Just don't keep frozen for too long.Just a few weeks at most.
Oct 29, 12:14am
I freeze crepes - so pikelets should work too.
Oct 29, 12:38am
Froze dozens of them in the school lunch and pre-training food days.Could take them out of the freezer, butter and wrap while frozen and they were fine by interval.
Oct 29, 12:57am
piklets freeze very well.
Oct 29, 1:21am
I buy the mini ones when they are on special in New World and throw them in the freezer, no problem. They are the fresh ones sold in the bread department, not sure what they are made of.
Oct 29, 1:28am
Yes you can, my Nana use to all the time. that was many moons ago. Mrs Andydlm
Oct 29, 2:28am
yep... we freeze them too!
Oct 29, 2:29am
Froze 250 for a school camp last year. wouldnt know the difference when they thawed and they sure didn't sit around long once the kids started in on them.
Oct 29, 1:36pm
i would say yes, cafes freeze the pancakes you buy and they are defrosted for you plate so I cant see why picklets cant be frozen,experiment with a batch, they are cheap as chips to make, if one batch fails try again
Oct 31, 1:19am
They freeze easily and can be thawed on the plate, or with a quick zap in the microwave. I need to make a wheat free and a dairy free version for one grand child plus one with an egg replacer. All together makes a disappointing version so I make several batches and freeze small lots. All freeze well and I can produce the appropriate one at "the drop of a hat". Everyone happy including the regular eaters. The packaging needs to be airtight though.
Oct 31, 1:45am
We freeze them with great success as well and they taste as good as freshly made ones.
Oct 31, 1:48am
darlingmole - care to enlighten us please once you have tried it out?
Jul 5, 7:07am
Thank you one and all.Once again I'm so grateful and humbled by all the wonderful people who post on here, your thoughts are very appreciated.Putting my pinny on tomorrow to try out a batch or 2 (one for freezing, one for eating!) and see how it goes.Have a great end to the weekend x
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