home made tomotoe sauce recipe to bottle,please

jedi5, Feb 25, 10:05pm
havnt had in years, would love to make my own, thanks

valentino, Feb 25, 10:10pm
Check out this thread... just click onto link.

http://www.trademe.co.nz/Community/MessageBoard/Messages. asp
x? id=173301


jessie981, Feb 26, 3:10am
Tomato Sauce (Aunt Daisy)
12lb ripe tomatoes
3oz allspice
3lb br sugar
1&1/2 pts vinegar
3oz salt.
Wash & cut up tomatoes. Tie spices in muslin. Put all in a pan & boil 3 hrs. Stir frequently. When cooked put through a colender or whizz then bottle. Cork when cold.

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