Mushroom oyster sauce?

lynja, Oct 16, 1:58pm
this is apparently made by sanitarium, is it available in New zealand. has anyone seen it? Mother-in-law who is vegetarian has seen it in several recipes she would like to try.22

ruby19, Oct 16, 2:01pm
Lynja, try looking in some of the asian grocery stores, they will usually stock sauces like this.

helpless, Oct 16, 5:15pm
Oyster sauce is in the Supermarket..ideal for asian stir frys..that and,,forget the fish sauce,,awful stuff like the soy..both overpowering in stir frys..

lynja, Jun 4, 10:17pm
thanks for ideas. will keep looking. can find plain oyster sauce but not this mushroom one she has seen in a recipe somewhere!