I'm having the olds for dinner on Sunday and thought for dessert I'd cheat and buy some ice cream but make some chocolate sauce (and add spices and chilli to it!). I'll get some real chocolate but don't really want to buy cream - would it still work if I just used whole milk, the non-homogenised type, or would it turn into chocolate milk?
Oct 14, 10:27pm
From Jo Seager - makes 1 1/2 cups 2 Tbsp cornflour 1/4 C cocoa a little cold water 1 C hot water 1/4 c sugar 25g butter 1 tsp vanilla essence in pot mix cornflour, cold water & cocoa until smooth paste. stir in hot water, sugar & butter & stir over gentle heat until it boils & thickens. add vanilla. cool then store in fridge.
Oct 15, 7:10am
Here is my recipe for Hot Fudge Sauce - no real Chocolate and no real cream. one third cup white sugar 3 tbsp brown sugar 2 tbsp cocoa powder 2 tbsp plain flour pinch salt half cup milk one third cup water half tbsp butter half tsp vanilla essence Put dry ingredients in a saucepan and mix tog to make sure no lumps.Add milk and water.Heat till boiling, cook till thick or five mins, add butter, remove from heat and add vanilla. Enjoy
Oct 15, 7:53am
I've used it with milk. I heated a smaller quantity of milk (than the normal amount of cream you would use) and heated it with the chocolate.
Oct 15, 7:54am
I did put in some butter, though!
Oct 17, 10:03pm
Thanks for the replies! In the end I just melted down half a block of Whittakers 62% with the milk (sloooooowly), and it did start turning to chocolate milk but came together and it was great, not too rich like it can be with cream. The chilli made it fantastic too. There's still some in the fridge but it's thickened so much as to be unpourable so *some* poor person will have to eat it with a spoon.
Nov 25, 2:10am
Wow, just made sauce using catsmeat1's recipe above,mmm,easy and very tasty!
Nov 11, 7:15pm
I made Chef_catsmeat1's recipe..only I was short on butter and milk..so I replaced water with milk and butter with vege oil, which worked fine. turned into a thick creamy chocolate fudge sauce was very happy with it. cheers for the recipe.
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