Cake fillings for mocha devils food cake

trading_gibsons, Aug 5, 11:17pm
would love some ideas for a thick filling for my cake

penni2010, Aug 5, 11:43pm
Make aganache. . itsbasically300mlscream folded into 250g dark chocolatethat has been melted andcooled, can beused aseitherfillingoricing. Use properchocolate (likewhittakers)DON'Tusechocolate buttonsorchocchips-the ganachewon't set. .

rkcroft, Aug 6, 12:40am
wow, really 300mls of cream to 250gms of chocolate? I only use 1/3c of cream to 250gms of chocolate.

rkcroft, Dec 31, 3:40pm
This is a filling I like to use:
100gms dark choc
125gm butter
1 1/2c icing sugar
1tsp vanilla essence
1 egg yolk
Melt choc and cool slightly.
Cream butter, icing sugar and vanilla together. Add egg yolk and melted chocolate. Beat until fluffy.

I then like to use a ganache to top my cake.