I was talking to a friend last night about healthy food for good brain power, and i need ideas for my school age kids. So what do you put in your kids lunchbox? ? ?
Aug 1, 3:09am
Seaweed rice crackers/carrot sticks and hummus, fruit and/or fruit pottles. , sandwiches, baking if i've done any. I run out of ideas as well!
Aug 1, 3:32am
i freeze those tube yoghurts then take one out in the morning for the school lunch (especially great in summer - a cool food, plus keeps other food cool in lunchbox). A good way around the problem of yoghurt being warm by lunch time - does not taste good nor that healthy!
Aug 1, 4:05am
I will be making pizzas out of wholemeal pita bread for their lunches tomorrow. Kids enjoy these and I add piece of fruit with some baking.
Aug 1, 4:14am
My teenagers would pull their noses up at something like the above. They take a honey-and -linseed-bread sandwich with a meat filling every day
Aug 1, 4:35am
No fruit or vege?
Aug 1, 5:03am
Well I have a 20 year old at uni and a 16 year old at high school. My 16 year old has the same thing every day... . 5 homemade pizza scrolls. I make about 30 each weekend and freeze them. It doesn't take long, just organisation. They are really basic: bread dough, spaghetti, ham and grated cheese. That's it. At afternoon tea he eats fruit etc and is very healthy. Keep it simple. They like it that way. Easy to eat on the run.
Aug 1, 5:18am
whatever i put in they soon turn their noses up at, and i bake all the nice homemade cakes and bikkies and they swap them with their cobbers that eat everything out of a packet.
Aug 1, 5:27am
Mr 4 (5 in a few days) has a few of the following each day: strings, rice crackers, the big rice wheels, cheese slices/wedges, cucumber stick, carrot stick, couple bikkies, muffins or scones, yoghurt or fruit pottle, fruit, raisins, chipies, dried apricots, luncheon, honey sammies, ham and cheese sammies, fresh fruit, muesli bar, cherry tomatoes, ham+tomato+potato salad, pasta salad, pita pockets, oreo sticks, thats mainly what we do - mix it up he always has a "main" healthy thing for lunch, fresh fruit and a yoghurt/fruit container then 4 snack items. Lunchbox always comes home empty :)
Aug 1, 5:37am
Not in their lunch - it's not cool for teenage boys to eat that kind of stuff at school! :-) But certainly eat lots at dinner. One son's fav is brocolli and the other's fave is brussel sprouts!
Aug 1, 5:54am
Lucky buggers, I had to make my lunch from age 7 but my Mum worked full time, although even if she didnt I doubt she would have made my lunch - always had amazing homemade baking though to take :)
Aug 1, 6:10am
Not cool to be seen eating fruit? that is so surreal.
Aug 1, 6:20am
Homemade muesli bar, salad roll or sammies, fruits, yoghurt. Sometimes rice crackers, vegie sticks etc are added.
Aug 1, 6:41am
Not at school; at home not a problem though And yes, I do make their sandwiches even thouhg I work full time because I know they're eating lunch
Aug 1, 6:59am
Great thanks guys! Do you do home baking if so Recipes please! ! ! !
Aug 1, 7:20am
Any tinned fruit muffins ~ 1/2 C milk 75 g butter 1 egg 2 C flour 1/2 C sugar 4 t baking powder one tin of fruit + juice (chop fruit if it isn't fruit salad)
mix altogether and bake in lined tins at 180 deg C for 15 mins (ish)
Aug 1, 7:27am
Mocha Chocolate Crunch (Takes 5 mins to cook plus may be 3 mins to prep)
150 g butter 1 C flour 1 C coconut 1/2 C brown sugar 2 T cocoa 1 t instant coffee powder (if you want - hence the mocha) 1/2 t baking poser 1 C rolloed oats 2 T golden syrup
Melt butter]
Then add all the other ingredients Mix well then cook on HIGH for 1 min. Stir, then repeat twice. Press in a flat bottomed container (greased) then cook on HIGH again for further 2 mins. Cover with a paper towel and cool for 10 mins then slice into bars or pieces.
Ice when cool. Keep refridgerated.
Aug 1, 7:29am
I have two teen boys, 19 and 16. We make pizza in vast quantities and freeze it. Basic yeast dough, tomato paste, cheese, pinapple and ham, sometimes some varity. Cooked, portioned and frozen. Seriously we make it in huge quantities, lol. A term's worth at a time. I buy in 5 kg catering bags of cheese, 3kg bag of tomato paste (you get the idea), it all freezes well. They also have some baking, tin o' fruit muffins, fruit loaf etc. also make, portioned, packaged and frozen. A musli bar, two or three peices of fruit and a large bottle of water.
Mornings start very early, older on bus at 7. 06, younger is on the train at 7. 09 am, I leave at 8- so organised we must be. We are often away from home for over 12 hours.
Aug 1, 8:03pm
OH darlingmole that sounds wonderful. What size container do you cook it in?
Aug 1, 8:49pm
My 12 yr old son has not long had braces fitted so he doesn't want anything hard to eat, so at the moment he is taking a little thermos of homemade pumpkin soup every day. I made up lots of cheese bread rolls last night for the freezer (crusts taken off bread, rolled up with grated cheese and tomato sauce - he likes the combo? ? ? ) two pikelets with strawberry jam (no butter on anything as he doesn't like it which is great), jelly poured into little plastic containers to which I add yogurt on the top every morning and he takes a little bag of chippies (twisties or rashuns type 'foamy' chips, not hard! ) When it was feijoa season, he'd take heaps of those to school, but atm bananas keep coming home. He does like smoothies though, so after school we use the banana with yogurt, milk, frozen strawberries & blueberries.
Aug 1, 10:03pm
I work at a primary school and have to supervise a young lad while he eats his lunch so I get to see a lot of lunchboxes and I am amazed at how much crap and pre-packaged products some of these kids have and the huge amount they have. i was always told with little ones not to put toomuch food in their lunchboxes as it can be overwhelming and they won't eat it.
I won't pretend that my kids have a perfect lunch but I try to balance it out. They get a sandwich every day, a piece of fruit or carrot, a few plain biscuits or homemade baking, rice crackers, and one pre-packaged cereal bar (preferably a "healthy-ish" one). Drink is water.
Aug 1, 10:29pm
I use a lasagne dish, not too big, just so it fits in the microwave and can rotate
Aug 1, 10:32pm
My little 3 yr old takes dip with carrot sticks, cucumber, sliced cheese, boiled egg, banana in your kindy box.
My teenagers take a piece of fruit, bag of chips, homebaking (muffins normally) and a sandwich (ham/cheese/tomato/egg/lettuce- ... those kind of fillings)
Sometimes they take leftover dinner or soup or 2 min noodles as they have access to a microwave
Aug 1, 10:33pm
lmaohow about food lmao
Aug 2, 4:49am
I always put some type of fruit in my sons lunchbox, a sandwich, rice crackers a slice of cheese, raisins, a yoghurt and either biscutes or a piece of baking. I seen a good idea that i am going to try though and it is a egg fritter cooked in a muffin tip with the filling your child likes.
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