Corned beef - help needed within the hour!

soupsoup, Jul 20, 1:07am
My corned beef has boiled for about 20 mins - I was planning on about 1 and 1/2 hours, but I've run out of gas and won't be able to get any more until tomorrow. Have other options for eating tonight, but question is, should I leave it in it's boiling liquid or take it out now?

mszx300, Jul 20, 1:21am
hi, i would leave it in the water

leonie11, Jul 20, 1:21am
put in the fridge take out of liquid and start again

kaysu, Jul 20, 1:22am
I'd take out & put in fridge. Add new water etc when you next cook.

indy95, Jul 20, 1:22am
Soupsoup, I would takethe meat out and cool it and the liquid, then refrigerate both overnight.

soupsoup, Jul 20, 1:27am
Indy - that sounds like the best answer! I didn't want to to discard the liquid it is in - pickling spices etc, but wasn't sure what leaving it together would do - i. e. absorb too much water ?

toadfish, Jul 20, 1:33am
Do you or a freindly neighbour have a crockpot? ? Also My mum does hers in the microwave for about an hour on low wattage... just depends if you want/need to eat it tonight.

indy95, Jul 20, 1:45am
No, I don't think that would happen, soupsoup, and I suggested keeping the liquid because I assumed you would already have added flavourings to it.

soupsoup, Nov 14, 12:00am
I don't have a crockpot, and, somehow the microwave just seems "wrong". So, I'll just do as you suggested, Indy, basically, take it out now and put it back in tomorrow. Thanks for everyone's help!