how do you cook your corned beef or silverside corned beef? we dont really like corn beef but hv to eat something! TIA
Oct 27, 11:18pm
Best way is in slow cooker, additives vary and can cause heated discusion amongst the nanna's but I use water to just cover a good sized slosh of malt vinegar a few bayleaves several whole cloves and maybe a bit of cinnamon. 4 hours on high in slow cooker or 2 or so hours simmering gently in a large pot on the stove.
I prefer to cook then put in fridge for next day as I prefer cold though hot is very good too. My wife likes tomato sauce on hers I like hot english mustard.
Oct 28, 12:34am
use beer in the slow cooker instead of water plus a chopped up onion and bay leaf and all spice
Oct 28, 7:32pm
I use the slow cooker too, and to be honest I am lazy and often don't add anything to the pot with it.I often cook it the night/day before it is required and then slice it and reheat it.I find I get more out of my piece of beef than if I slice it hot.I have done it a couple of times in the microwave which from memory was on a low setting (almost at defrost level) but you'd have to check your microwave manual to see if there was a recipe to follow in there.
Oct 29, 2:03am
i cook mine in the slow cooker in a 1.5 L ginger ale tender and not to salty
Oct 29, 3:45am
In the crockpot with half a cup of malt vinegar and half a cup of golden syrup:-)) On high for 6 hrs.
Oct 29, 3:58am
In the roasting dish with water slowly cooked in the oven for about 3 hrsLovely and moistTurn halfway throughWe even leave it in the vacuum bag
Oct 31, 1:22am
Microwave recipes are great. Check your microwave manual. No long cooking and no smell in the kitchen. ther is a mustard sauce recipe in the microwave Edmonds book too.
Oct 31, 3:40am
canned corn beef, have with onions and tomatoes then steam cabbage and chuck in, samoan dish, named pesupo (correct my spelling if im wrong) DELISH, not good on the hips though
Oct 31, 2:17pm
Slow cooker,waterwith malt vinegar, golden syrup, bayleaves, peppercorns, whole cloves and an onion, make a mustard sauce with 1 egg, 1/4cup sugar beat together then add 1Tb flour, 1tsp mustard, 1/4 cup vinegar and 1 cup of the liquid the meat was cooked in, I cook in microwave for 3 min and stir after each minute.
Oct 31, 2:46pm
Although I love my slow cooker we prefer corned beef and pickled pork cooked in the pressure cooker.I have one of the new pressure cookers, no steam, hissing etc.In a toss up I don't know which one I could part with!
Jul 6, 12:04pm
take out of shrink bag, wash the goopy muck off. place in roasting dish. pit about 2T water and 2T malt vinegar in the bottom. then pierce holes in the meat, and place whole cloves in the holes. About 10 of these. Then sprinkle brown sugar over the top of the meat. Then roast in the oven (covered) at 160c for 1.5 - 2 hours. Yummy :)
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