2moro im starting a diet mainly made up of a certain soup but need a bit of help with the ingredients...
firstly stewed tomatoes - i know what they are but im sposed to buy canned ones. no cans in supermarket said stewed so im stuck... are all canned tomatoes stewed? ?
Jul 18, 2:49am
ellebaby, stewing is a method of cooking so by saying "stewed tomatoes" IMO it means cooked rather than raw tomatoes therefore I would think that canned tomatoes would be perfect as they are cooked in the process of being canned. :-))
Jul 18, 3:25am
chopped tinned tomatoes would be perfect
Jul 18, 3:27am
awsum thanku... #2 anyone heard of lipton soup mix? ?
Jul 18, 3:32am
I don't think you will find that in NZ, I think Liptons is sold in USA - could you substituted it for another dried mix?
Jul 18, 3:41am
Italian canned tomatoes have the best flavour - go for those when you shop.
Jul 18, 4:03am
i dont think its the flavour thats important. from the rest of the recipe it looks like im gonna have a miserable week eating this soup. lol. and yes nfh1, will try and find another mix!
Jul 18, 4:04am
#3? non fat beef broth? ? is that just the same as those cuppa soups? ?
Jul 18, 4:08am
Definitely does not sound like fun - not the Cabbage Soup Diet is it? ? If it is you have much more willpower than me!
Jul 18, 5:20pm
Can we take bets on how long you will last?
I'll start the ball rolling and say that by lunchtime you will be sick of it and by dinnertime you'll sneak in a piece of toast. By the next day you'll be so over it you'll be wondering what to do with all the leftovers.
Anyone else?
Jul 18, 6:03pm
If there are no spices in the recipe then add some chilli and/or curry pwd. Finely chopped celery, if you already have in the cupboard, helps the flavour.
Jul 18, 7:14pm
Just use vege stock or vege stock powder instead of the lipton soup mix
Jul 18, 8:03pm
But maybe the Lipton Soup mix has some sort of metabolising tea. Isn't green tea supposed to be good for weight loss?
Jul 18, 10:01pm
I've made that cabbage soup diet before (all green veges, some tomatoes, chicken stock and curry). It was absolutely delicious! Made it to be supportive of mum who was on the diet
Jul 19, 1:27am
There is a recipe for 'Slimmers' soup' made with cabbage and chilli etc in Alison Holst's Soup Book.
Jul 19, 1:42am
Regardless of why you're eating it, it looks delicious :)
Alison Holst's Chilli Soup Keeps 1 week in fridge and freezes well
Saute 1-2 large onions chopped, in 2 t oil 5 mins Stir in 1 t dried oregano, 2 t ground cumin, 1/2 t dried thyme, 2 t bottled garlic, 1 t bottled ginger, 1-1&1/2 t Thai green curry
Add 4-6 large stalks celery chopped, 1-2 red/green peppers, 1/2 medium cabbage chopped fine
Add 6 cups hot water & simmer 5 minutes
Stir together 1 pkt cream soup, 1 T cornflour, 1 cup cold water
Add to soup, cook till thickened
Add 2 x 400g cans Italian or Mexican tomatoes, 2-3 T tomato paste
Adjust salt & pepper and add 1/4 cup chopped herbs or basil or 1 T pesto
Alison adds a comment: "Somewhat to my surprise, I found that the ready-prepared chopped or pureed garlic and ginger in jars gave the soup a stronger, better flavour than the fresh product. I suggest you use them. "
The packet is really just a thickener, so if you are packet-averse, perhaps just thicken with additional cornflour.
Jul 19, 3:13am
hahahaha. im with you on that but im gonna give it a real try. thats why im not starting till tomoro. on sunday i couldnt eat so i thought id eat today and diet tomoro. Its a rapid weightloss diet. my friend is on day 6 and has lost 10lbs so im hoping for the best! its a 7 day diet. the soup is green peprs, onions, beef broth, soup mix, celery, tomatos, and carrots. you can have the soup as often as you like. day 1 you can only have fruit and the soup, day 2 you can only have veges and the soup and so on...
Jul 19, 3:15am
i can drink coffee, cranberry juice, water and herbal t. im not allowed bananas at all but on day 4 im only allowed bananas and the soup. the cruelest thing for me is that i have never been able to eat veges. the only veges ive tried in the soup is carrots.
Jul 19, 5:29am
I'm not allowed to comment ellebaby on the nutrient health of this soup but I wish you all the best. Trouble with this diet of course is that while you will lose weight rapidly, your metabolism will slow imperceptibly. Each time you diet it will slow a bit more, till in the end losing weight will become a battle and gaining will become a thing of magical ease.
"But why will I need to lose weight when this diet will get me down to where I want to be so all I'll have to do is keep it off", I hear you ask.
The answer lies in our metabolism and biology. We produce a little substance called lipprotein lipase (LL) and the fact that on this diet you will be losing muscle not fat. The LL will fight tooth and nail to return you to your former weight. Muscle is metabolically faster than fat so, your metabolisim will have another reason to slow down, other than its tendency to conserve fuel when nutrient input is lean (as it will be on this soup).
Jul 19, 5:32am
I'm not allowed to advise you not to do this diet or why you shouldn't do it because that would be lecturing and hectoring. I must, at all times remain positive and friendly, so my very very best wishes go with you.
Jul 19, 6:19am
ooooooooooooh... ... Soup... ... . - SCARY!
Jul 19, 7:54pm
Oh yes elli. I agree. The soup is scary if eaten like the diet suggests.
Jul 20, 12:27am
I think the beef broth you want is beef stock not cuppa soup. Best of luck .
Jul 20, 12:59am
So ellababy. How was your first day on this 'delicious' soup? Are you dreaming about tomorrow when you can add in fruit to your diet? Or have I gotten it all wrong and you are thriving on it? I don't mind if I am proven wrong about your diet. I'll live and learn. I'll also lose the bet. Lucky no one bet against me.
Jul 20, 5:14am
Hey, still havent started yet. ive researched the diet a bit since reading your posts and found a tricky spot <almost exactly what you said buzzy110>! I dont want to try it till i am really commited to changing my entire lifestyle and i feel like getting fit would be the best place to start for me. im running and doing zumba on a daily basis and will ease myself into this diet i think.
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