Never eaten them much but have bought a couple lately have tried them in Lasagne that was nice and last night fried slices in garlic butter and shaved parmesan over the top that was nice. What else should I try? Recipe ideas please.
Jul 14, 5:57am
I like them sliced, flour/egg/breadcrumbs and rest in fridge for 30mins to set the crumb. Shallow fry in hot oil. Meanwhile make a chunky tomato saucewith tinned tomatoes, 1 sm tsp sugar, garlic, basil, parsley, onion, red wine and parmesan and cook down until half the liquid has evaporated, adjust seasoning and pour over the hot eggplant. Add more parmesan. I used to make this for my vege daughter when the rest of us had schnitzel and still make it often.
Jul 14, 6:04am
Type 'moussaka' in as a keyword in the Search bar, then Anytime and you'll find many helpful threads using eggplant ;)
Jul 14, 6:19am
I am familiar with google Ellie I was interested in what people here like to do with eggplant. I am constantly trying unfamiliar ingredients next my wife wants me to start playing with Orzo guess I should just google that too.
Jul 14, 6:36am
Imam Bayeldi is what i make ( which is basically Turkish stuffed eggplant) if you would like the recipe, let me know.
Jul 14, 6:39am
Yes that would be great thanks
Jul 14, 6:44am
It's not Google, beaker59, it's the search facility on the Trade Me Recipes Messageboard, and it IS all the recipes helpful posters here on Recipes have put into threads devoted to the use of eggplant.
Look up to the left top corner of your page and it's all there ;)
Jul 14, 7:08am
You may enjoy the orzo salad with the wood smoked salmon which is quite delicious.
Jul 14, 7:12am
Enjoy ;)
Jul 14, 7:14am
Excellent no need for anyone to ever post again its all there EH!
Thanks Cookesentials I'll do a search and make it next time I smoke a trout hopefully in a fortnight when I get down to Tongariro hoping to get a few trout to smoke and a Sika to hang in the chilla.
Jul 14, 7:40am
Easy & yummy thing with eggplant is sliced & put under the grill until they're darkened, then turn over. Very easy & nice.
Jul 14, 7:50am
beaker59 - davidt4's Tiger Eggplant Salad is very good! ! !
As is cookessentials Imam Bayeldi ...
Cut your aubergine in half, lengthwise then, carefully score around the edge with a sharp knife, making sure you don't go through the skin. With a teaspoon, scoop out the flesh and put into a colander-make sure you dont go through the skin. Now, some here will say you do not need to salt eggplants, but i have tried them without salting and still find them bitter. So, sprinkle each shell with salt and rub into the flesh, also salt the loose flesh in the colander - not heaps of salt, just a good sprinkle, mixing up flesh as you go. Place the two halves upside down on top of the flesh in the colander and let it drain for 30 mins or so while eggplant is draining. Chop a large onion Into a frypan, add about 1 tbsp olive oil - to this add 1 tsp cumin powder and one tsp coriander powder - cook one minute, then add the chopped onion, stirring to cook through. Add 1-2 tsp fresh ground ginger (comes in a jar)then add the well rinsed and dried chopped up flesh (dry well with a paper towel)cook till tender, then add one tin of chopped tomatoes in juice, 1/4 cup sultanas, 1 sachet of Leggos tomato paste and a dash of white wine if you wish. Turn off heat. Rinse shells and dry well with a paper towel. Fill each shell with the mixture and top with grated parmesan or an ordinary cheddar (I have mine with out the cheese as i am not having dairy - it is still tasty) bake at 170C till shell is tender. I put them into a baking dish-usually with some cooking spray sprayed around the dish-sides and bottom to prevent them sticking) and top is nicely browened. Serve on their own or with jasmine or basmati rice on the side. *cookessentials
Oct 27, 9:59am
I recommend davidt4's fritters too. Delicious!
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