Dairy Free Caramel for Slice

zappi, Jun 23, 5:17pm
Does anyone have a way of making the caramel that goes in the middle of slices without using condensed milk. Have a nice recipe that we all like except that one son cant have it because of the condensed milk part. The rest of the recipe is dairy free apart from this. Any help please!

ferita, Jun 23, 5:59pm
You could replace the dairy with coconut milk but I dont know how to get it really thick (cornflour maybe? )

ferita, Jun 23, 6:00pm
Perhaps if you used more sugar and less coconut cream it would thicken naturally when it cooled

fifie, Jun 23, 6:55pm
Maybe you could try this, found it on the on the net.
Dairy Free Caramel Filling
260g caster sugar
400ml can coconut milk
130g dairy free margarine
Place the caster sugar in a large saucepan with a drop of water – enough to moisten the sugar. Place over a medium heat and boil to a caramel colour. Do not stir the sugar while it is heating or it will crystalise.
Take off the heat and stir in the coconut milk. Be careful as the sugar will spit. Stir until the caramel has dissolved in the milk. You may need to put the pan back onto a low heat to do this.
Leave to cool. When the mixture is warm, stir in the dairy free margarine.
Spread the caramel over the shortbread and leave to set.
Melt 160g dairy free plain chocolate and spread over the caramel.
Leave to set before cutting. .

geldof, Jun 23, 7:39pm
I found this on the net.

http://www.foodlovers.co.nz/forum/read. php? 3, 2203, 155406, quo

couple of options

could use coconut milk powder instead of milk powder.

vonkrum, Jun 23, 8:19pm
Thanks for the suggestions. fifie I will try and see how this goes. geldof, what an interesting site. Will have a good look thru. Never new you could make your own condensed milk. Where do you get coconut milk powder from?

geldof, Jun 23, 8:28pm
Ibought coconut milk powder at the supermarket. It's a maggi product. must have been with the tinned coconut milk i think. i use it when i want extra flavour but no more liquid.

zappi, Sep 2, 4:56pm
Thanks for that geldof, will have a look next time I go shopping. People have talked abou soy milk powder also but I haven't found any yet. Will keep looking.