packed today too. Couldnt resist buying it. The thing is though, when i put in in the pot i realized that only the outside was red. the inner was old looking .
Is it right that they deceive customers like this ? I feel betrayed
Jun 21, 2:07am
darker colour meat is more aged and hence better flavour. was it brownish or dark redish? dark redish=good, brownish=not so good
Jun 21, 2:21am
I have taken back similar to Countdown. Inside looked grey and old. Yuck. They said there was nothing wrong with it, but swapped for fresh no problem.
Jun 21, 2:48am
It was old mince. My dad was a butcher so i know mince quite well. They must have spent some time layering the old mince with fresh. It is poor form on P&S to do such a thing.
Jun 21, 4:07am
Yeah its like when you buy steak and it looks good on the side thats up but when you take it out of the pack the other side is covered in fat - lucky for me I LOVE the fat lol
Jun 21, 4:07pm
Thats why I never buy my meat from the supermarket. You never know how long it's been sitting there and also I find the quality to be not so great either.
Jun 21, 4:14pm
I hardly ever buy meat from the supermarket - all those trays of marinated old stuff puts me off!
Jun 21, 4:33pm
It's pretty common, as the top layer is exposed to oxygen and the oxygen-binding molecule (myoglobin) turns red on contact with oxygen. The layers beneath can't get oxygen, so form deoxymyoglobin which is brown-grey. Nothing to do with old meat. The term is 'blooming', which is what happens if you take a piece of meat out of the packet and leave it, it gets redder.
Jun 21, 7:08pm
how long can you leave mince in the fridge before cooking it? I bought some friday but not used it on sat when had planned to, i a bit nervous to use it now!
Jun 21, 7:34pm
Have a look at the packaging of supermarket carrots... the front of the plastic is a grid pattern of orange lines - makes the carrots look so bright and fresh!
Jun 21, 7:41pm
it'll be fine dinkypinky, its been in the fridge all time.
Jun 21, 9:19pm
I've noticed that carrot bag trick too elliehen lol
Jun 21, 10:47pm
There is nothing wrong with it...
Its just what the lights have doen to the mince and how it affects the blood in the mince.
No im not joking I worked in a butchery for years...
Jun 22, 12:27am
Jun 22, 1:53am
sure i understand how mince can change colour but it was red on the tray where it should otherwise have turned brown/ grey. it was definately not as fresh as it should have been
Jun 22, 2:21am
Supermarkets are about turnover so popular meats like mince etc almost never sit on the shelf too long particularly considering that beef mince will be fine in the fridge for a week and unminced meat 2 or even 3 weeks. I regularly when steak is on special buy 4 or 5 Kg and leave it in the fridge for a week or two before even starting to eat it as generally its way too fresh. All this applies to red meat NOT white meat thats a different kettle of fish.
Jun 22, 7:54pm
I use to be a meat packer for a supermarket... . . we NEVER "layered fresh mince with old", a waste of time and energy as mince is a big seller!
Jun 23, 5:16am
I opened a pack of Supermarket bought mince tonight, which showed it was packed today. Bright red and juicy looking on the surface, top and bottom, but greyish inside, as noted above. I've thought for some time that Supermarket meats are being TREATED with SOMETHING to make them look more appealling. I think it may be worth trying wrapping some butcher bought mince in plastic wrap to see if it is affected in the same way. Has anyone tried this?
Jun 23, 1:57pm
If anything it would be the smaller butcher shop using presevative in their mince and other cuts. Highly illegal but widely used.
Jun 23, 5:11pm
Meat changes colour when it hits the air! I have heard though that meat is sprayed with preservative.
Jun 23, 5:17pm
Would just like to say thanks to Baldys butcher here in Hastings - small privately owned butcher - no preservatives in there mince so they always tell you that if you arent using it that night then freeze it when you get home... Chicken is always fresh too... . They struggled when the bigger chain stores hit town like Mad Butcher and Meat Export but they hung in there (almost had to close) but locals rallied in to support them... . even us on one meagre income went there... . And they have made it through the rough period and now people are realising the value in buying from people like him... . And that quality makes a huge difference! ! ! And when I worked out some of the prices he was even cheaper some times... . He is usually more expensive but not by much... maybe it works out to be an extra $1 - $2 in total for what im buying... . but then again I know its not from China! ! ! So I dont mind that little bit extra... And its local! ! ! Gotta support locals! ! ! Good quality locals that is! ! ! Go BALDYS! ! ! !
Jun 23, 5:45pm
i never go buy buying mince by its colour as they use dye to colour it, go by smell and touch... .
Jun 23, 5:46pm
exactly... . hence my previous post... . . why is it people forget basic food rules and go for colour and 'looks'!
Jun 23, 10:14pm
There is no dye in mince c'mon. I have tried it once though using the same dye they use on polonies. It turned the water that we boiled it in red too! ! !
Jun 23, 10:30pm
The only meat we import is Pork, and most of that is from australia US and canada. Beef is all grown in nz, same with sheep and chicken. What meats do we import from china? when they have a net import market for meat.
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