this is yummy and easy great with banana cake. 1 tablespoon butter4 teaspoons cocoa1 cup icing sugar 1 tablespoon boiling water, put altogether in pot on low heat and stir till butter melts and throughly mixed, then pour over cake and spread. I, ve been using this one out of very old recipe book and I find its the best.
Jun 21, 4:48am
Thanks daezar, any others that's not chocolate as I should have mentioned that I'm not a fan of chocolate. Now if it was caramel that would be yummy.
Jun 21, 8:30pm
Here are a couple for you. LEMON ICING
25g butter or margarine Grated rind and squeezed juice of 1 lemon (strain the juice to remove the pips) 2 cupIcing Sugar
Place the butter, lemon juice and rind in a small microwave proof jug or bowl. Microwave on high for 30 - 40 seconds until the butter is melted. Beat in the icing sugar to make a fluffy icing. Spread over the cooled cake.
100g cream cheese, softened 2 cups Icing Sugar Grated rind and juice of 1 lemon
Beat all ingredients together until well mixed, fluffy and smooth. Spread over the cooled cake.
Jun 21, 9:04pm
Butter cream icing is good with freshly grated nutmeg added.
Jun 21, 11:05pm
Caramel icing recipe. 60g butter; ½ cup brown sugar; 2 Tbsp sour cream; 11/2 cups icing sugar Melt the butter and sugar in a saucepan, stir constantly over heat without boiling for 2 minutes. Add sour cream, bring to the boil, remove from the heat. Stir in sifted icing sugar. Spread on cold cake.
Jun 21, 11:32pm
I always use lemon icing which has a little butter added to it. Then I sprinkle with coconut.
Jun 22, 12:21am
Lemon icing mmm mmm
Jun 22, 12:59am
I love coffee icing on a banana cake, just dissolve around 1 tsp in a tiny amount of boiling water and add to your basic icing.
Jun 22, 12:59am
Re previous post for coffee icing- it should read 1 tsp instant coffee.
Aug 28, 4:55pm
Thanks everyone for your posts they are all most helpful. Ta
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