Ladies Lunch ideas please - Dinner party Tuesday!

courtney2004, Jun 12, 8:13pm
Having a little Dinner Party on Tuesday and needing ideas on what to make for Lunch must be able to have a Gluten Free componant in it as some of these ladies can't cope with to much gluten! also don't want something to $$ to make etc but something that is nice and simple but looks grand would be fab. Ideas welcomed and if able to be frozen afterwards extra bonus! !

glendeb, Jun 12, 8:21pm
What about a crustless quiche made with gluten free or rice flour?

Or a gluten free bread, cut into triangles and baked (like a crostini) and then topped with salmon and cream cheese, or cheese and gherkins or tomato, cucumber and feta?

courtney2004, Jun 12, 8:27pm
Yea thanks I will look into that! any more ideas are still welcomed! !

indy95, Jul 30, 8:19am
A good soup to start with at this time of the year would be welcome and would take the edge off appetites.