I've made it to recipe. It says at the end to 'POUR' the mixture into the loaf tin. Well, there's no 'pouring' going on here, its a fairly solid dough... I've put it in the oven, fingers crossed... but not sure where I went wrong? ? ?
Also, should I adjust the cooking time which is 50 mins in the recipe?
Any advice gratefully received
May 17, 5:05am
Hmmm, sounds like you need to add more liquid. Most loaves I have made are like a cake mixture (perhaps a tad dryer). Hope it turns out.
May 17, 5:45am
yes, beagle. . I was expecting it to be a lot more 'fluid' shall we say. It was more like scone dough in texture. I didnt bake it as long and the verdict from the troops is "YUM". So all is not lost...
would be intersted to hear what others would have done in terms of adding liquid though?
May 17, 5:32pm
HI without going through the thread to find out what recipe it is ... ... im thinking its my babnana cake one halfed in that case it definately is poured into the tin well it is stoggy but will still pour, as long as the taste test reveiled good response you cant of done anything wrong... . good for you, remember to freeze your bananas when they go yukky in the fruit bowl as they make the best cakes and loaves much better than fresh ones just defrost and use
May 17, 8:07pm
hi kob... yes, it was made with frozen bananas and it got the big thumbs up. REcipe was calle Banana Loaf... only thing I did differently was add choccie chips. Definitely didnt pour into tin though. . lol... . Was a solid mass that I actually had to squish down into corners of loaf tin. I'll post the recipe when I get back home later... . for you to have a quick sqwizz at.
Thanks though, the boys all enjoyed it! (Especially straight from the pan and still warm! )
May 13, 6:03pm
straight from the pan is definately the way i would recommend any baking LOL thats why im afraid im not a size 12... ... haha
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