Where do you store your eggs

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rovertniloc, Mar 21, 12:56am
The rule for any edibles, is follow the supermarket. They DO NOT have eggs in the fridge, so just keep them on a shelf/cupboard. Tomatoes are another thing that people get wrong. they like HEAT(hot house tomatoes), not the fridge!

kay141, Mar 21, 1:45am
That only applies if you have turn over the goods as quick as a supermarket. I don't for eggs so in the fridge they stay until a couple of hours before I need them. 1 doz can last me a month.

norse_westie, Mar 21, 9:44pm
I keep mine on the bench in a cool area. We go through 3 dozen a week so turnover is not an issue.

sarahb5, Oct 14, 5:18am
Room temperature in the pantry