I loved this site for the sharing of ideas of the science of food and learned a huge amount from the likes of Davdt4, Uli, Samanya, Buzzy and many others who posted in here. It helped me hone my cooking skills, and I have learned and tried many techniques on the generous advice of many posters.
It seems to have turned into an Edmonds Cookery Advice Google site - and while there is nothing wrong asking a question the whole thing seems to have dumbed down hugely. Thoughts?
Dec 5, 7:44am
I don't like it when i ask for a tried and tested recipe, technique, or advise, and people reply with links to google sites. I know how to do that already like most other people, and prefer a forum that shares experience. In saying this i still poke my nose in just to se if there is anything i can learn from. Cheers.
Dec 5, 7:34pm
I guess most have just moved on like myself, I pop in, see some stupid recipes being offered but rather than start a full out riot I let them go. I was in the trade all of my working life, covering fast foods, bakery and restaurant. Maybe no trading, no posting in the message boards would be a good start. Earn the right and keep everyone honest. Bumped up posts with sites that no longer exist, what do you think of those.?
Dec 5, 8:17pm
I agree awoftam. Links are well and good but it is better to be able to read the recipes and what people thought even though the thread was not what you are personally asking about. This shares the knowledge around.
For instance there was a thread on here recently asking about vegetable pies. I gave information but was idly wondering what others thought. Unless I was prepared to click on a host of links, that information was not really forthcoming. That is a shame because I would have learnt a whole lot more than just my experience and so would everyone else who thought the question intriguing or who was idly reading in order to learn something new.
Dec 5, 9:07pm
Interesting. in another thread, a poster asked for help in glazing a ham, having not done it before, and the OP points her to google! Not willing to pass on knowledge? Or doesn't know?
Dec 5, 10:40pm
I just go straight to Google now, I used to ask for people's personal experiences on here but there were too many nasty and condescending answers so I stopped.
Dec 5, 10:52pm
This forum used to be great, with lots of good ideas, recipes, and help for those that wanted it, but sadly not any more. Lots have left because of all the bickering that goes on.
Dec 6, 12:29am
What is wrong with Google? If you just want a recipe there are billions to choose from, why get a few replies here which may or may not be what you want? Actual discussion on problems, techniques, who buys where and what, and things like that, OK. But really? I want a schnitzel recipe.
Come on, theres a million out there, and sometimes searching by image is fun too, you get to see the different.
Dec 6, 12:37am
I'm honored to be included in such illustrious company. If I want to make something, I always come here first & then google if I can't find what I'm looking for, but usually I do. What we have to remember is that there are heaps just finding their way around this cooking/baking lark & even though some of us have sorted out what we like & what suits us as far diet goes, it's not 'one size fits all', so with that in mind, I like to be encouraging. It's not a competition & everyone has the choice as to what they eat (even if some would consider it a cr*ppy choice).
Dec 6, 2:05am
oh I must be reading wrong. isn't the title of this forum "Recipes".? I see nothing wrong with people coming and asking for a tried and true recipe. We all know how to google, asking here, you get to ask more about a certain recipe, not so on Google. If entering a recipe thread isn't your cup of tea, dont enter it then. I don't often use many of the recipes found here, I have amassed a huge collection of tried recipes, plus a few books. But some posts do spark some interest.
Dec 6, 2:29am
I've had some wonderful recipes from this forum & I'd probably wouldn't have googled for them. Some I have used heaps and others are on the 'get around to it' list. I copy any from here that appeal & put them in a clear file type ring binder. One each for vegetarian, fish/meat/salads & one for baked goodies. I am a bit of a recipe book fanatic & have heaps, some fall open at a fave recipe, but it's still good to expand on the variety.
Dec 6, 5:19am
The intent of my post has been misunderstood.
lets use the ham glaze one as an example (and I mean no disrespect to the person who posted that). It is easy to google a ham glaze, so why not do that? People are coming in asking reasonably simple questions to such an extent I am finding the board is dying off and is not what it was. Maybe its a cyclical thing; who knows.
I enjoyed this board when I first came on because people not only shared knowledge but some very experienced cooks shared things that were different; often a little more complex or not thought of by the average home cook that encouraged people to try new things.
Others may have a different view and that is fine; personally I miss many of the used to be regulars that I learned so much off, and I rarely come in now, which is my choice as some of you have rightly pointed out.
Dec 6, 5:49am
Making a thai curry atm and been thinking about my post.
It's not actually all about me. I know I know you may argue otherwise lol but it's not. If younger /more inexperienced cooks want to come in and ask questions that I think are too simplistic well, that's actually my problem not theirs.
Moving on.
Dec 6, 5:53am
Ha ha. When I first started contributing to this message board (several years ago) I got this response to one of my suggestion: "I don't want anything weird". In those days a significant proportion of posters were asking about Lolly Cake. At least that seems to have died out.
Dec 7, 1:18am
Well said.
Dec 7, 1:58am
Where has the sense of sharing gone if people only take the time to post a link.
I can't see the point in 'belong' to a community thread just to do that.
Dec 7, 2:25am
I think it's sad if young, not so young or inexperienced cooks are put off from asking a question that some might see as "stupid" or "simplistic". Everyone has to start somewhere, and Google can be a poor substitute for personal experience.
Dec 7, 3:04am
I agree, not everyone has a mum or grandmother/relative to pass on cooking tips & recipes.
Dec 7, 5:20am
Some people like 'lolly cake' apparently . I've never made one & never will . but it's each to their own, really, isn't it? What is weird to one person, is normal to another & that's across all walks of life.
Dec 7, 9:15pm
Well count me in - I have never even seen lolly cake. Well maybe I have but didn't know what it was.
Dec 7, 9:45pm
Well, well, well. I put links in a few times mainly when I think certain ones are unsure where to find things or search things. Also I put up links that may assist others as I see it and have noticed in the past certain requests along that line, i.e. Link to glazing a ham by Ray McVinnie - a video clip on how he does it, of course we know how to glaze a ham but seeing is better than just words. And I will not stop doing things as such. I will always look at the whole thing as I see it and if I do not have whatever is requested then will give the next best options. Quite often, most know how to use Google, Bing etc but on most times use the title they assume others will read as such but in fact is written under other names, titles and so on.
I will always try and share with whatever I have, know, experienced or feels worthy of trying, this latter part is me personally looking at it if I'm doing it.
So personally the BOTTOM LINE is Helping another, sharing with another, even assist in searching hence Google, Bing and so on.
And yes, I do look for more ideas and will not note this as such but will start threads or topics then hoping others can add, this does not really imply wanting things now but to see what else there is that I can enhance upon to suit myself and naturally my ever-changing dietry needs.
Cheers Folks and all the best for this Festive season.
Dec 7, 10:43pm
I have never in decades had a piece of any lolly cake that made me want a second.
Dec 8, 12:05am
This thread started a year ago and lay dormant until uli popped it back up with the date almost coinciding with today's date, but a lot has changed in 'Recipes' in that year. Including the posters who contribute here. I still enjoy the contributions that are made and the help that is offered to anyone asking questions.
Dec 8, 12:13am
I made a pineapple lump slice thing from here once, thinking the young members of my family would like it & it was gross . never again & yet the person who posted it thought it was wonderful . too sickly sweet for me. As I said each to their own & at least the poster shared something that she thought others would like & a lot probably did.
Dec 8, 12:14am
I still enjoy it too & any changes are for the better imo. It's still about sharing & learning, still.
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