The search on the left didn't produce any enlightenment for the past year, so could you tell me your favourite broad bean recipes please?
It is a few years since I had a good harvest, but have now found the perfect spot so they do not get blown over and now have lots of nice small (shelled) beans to cook.
Looking forward to your suggestions.
Nov 5, 8:33pm
I like them just cooked in a little water & then add a little butter to saute for about a minute & then add some finely chopped winter savoury. Or season with s & p, butter & a dash of cream. A dash of lemon juice goes well, but I only use it once the beans are a bit older.
Nov 5, 8:59pm
I like them briefly blanched then dressed with good quality butter and chopped tarragon. I don't peel the grey skins off as we like them.
Nov 5, 9:18pm
I pick mine when they are about finger length, top and tail them, then steam, pod and all.
Nov 5, 9:29pm
I don't peel the grey skin off either. I must try them with Taragon . I have the French tarragon growing.
Nov 5, 11:47pm
Love them peeled with lemon juice and garlic marinade. leave for a few days then devour! Yummo
Nov 6, 12:25am
I don't necessarily aim for the bean pods being finger length but before the actual developing beans can be seen in the pods, I like to have a meal or two of them as kay141 does i.e. pod and all - IMO a really nice flavour change from the usual green bean. And uli IMO those "nice small (shelled) beans" will be a taste treat cooked and served as simply as you choose - the young tender beans are just so delicious and in no way compare with the more developed, often drier beans that unless taken from their grey skins can be the very reason why people have a dislike of broad beans. :-))
Nov 6, 12:32am
I have long fingers. Mine never get be eaten any other way. The plant tips and beans are both cooked the same. I find you really get the flavour of broad beans that way and as you say, a change from green beans.
Nov 6, 11:51pm
That is what I used to do - but this year they have produced lovely little green beans that were worth taking out of their "husks" (?) So no need to "peel" elderly beans either.
Nov 7, 12:10am
Unlike me, my beans don't become elderly.
Dec 5, 10:42am
Unfortunately mine do if it is raining for weeks and I cannot go out to harvest because the concrete got too slippery for me to travel safely to their place . :(
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