Sherry. Same as my mother and grandmother used. Probably doesn't matter as I think it will evaporate in the cooking process just leaving the flavour.
Oct 19, 2:02pm
I soaked prunes in my homemade spirits 18 months back, put up on a shelf high. Just remembered it now, reading this thread. Should be good to go. LOL
Oct 19, 2:04pm
Waste of good alcohol, I pour it over the cooked cake, just carefully so it does not saturate the cake. Any heating over 70c will evaporate the spirit.
Oct 19, 2:09pm
Yep that would work, I make my own spirits. You only need to use half of those bottles to a litre of spirit cos it is concentrated.
Oct 22, 5:55pm
Brandy normally, but was thinking of using Glavar this year
Oct 23, 11:02pm
When my kids were small and I couldn't afford to buy a bottle of booze for the Christmas cake (or even to drink), I would take a small jam jar into the local pub and buy just a couple of nips of brandy to take home. I used to get some funny looks, but who cared.
Dec 11, 11:12am
I pre-soak my fruit mix in sherry, and when backed use about a cap full of brandy over it prior to wrapping and putting away. And if I decide to check on cake prior to Xmas I put another cap full of brandy over it.
Now sort of same thing but I have been trying to find Brandy Essence and buggered if I can. Not spot for it along with the others and done major chains in supermarkets and a couple of local smaller ones. Rum essence there but no Brandy I find that odd and a right royal pain for my brandy balls And no don't want to make rum balls :) I want brandy essence :(
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