Minced cooked meat, a minced raw onion, a few peas, cooked carrot if you want, salt and pepper, mix altogether with a good tasty gravy. Cover with cooked mashed designer potato, (marked with a fork lol), and dot with butter. mod oven, bake till potato is browned . maybe 1/2 hour and a bit longer
Apr 8, 8:45am
yes thats how i do it as well
Apr 8, 10:57pm
jimbob37, strictly speaking a Shepherds' Pie is made with sheep meat (hence it's name. sheep - shepherds) however if you're not wanting to use lamb, hogget or mutton then the dish is known as Cottage Pie so with that in mind, maybe you'd like to try the following which we have enjoyed over quite a number of years. It's easy to make, can be made ahead and I have very successfully frozen the meat part (i.e. minus the potato topping).:
COTTAGE PORK PIE 2 tbsp butter 1 onion, finely sliced 2 cooking apples, diced 2 rashers bacon, chopped 500g pork mince ¼ tsp dried sage salt and pepper 1 tbsp flour mixed with ¼ cup water a further ¾ cup water 1½-2 cups mashed potatoes Melt the butter, then add the onion and cook until it is soft. Add the apples and bacon. Cook for 2-3 minutes, then add the pork mince. Cook until the mince is light brown, then add the sage, salt, pepper, flour-water mix and the remaining water. Bring to the boil and simmer gently for 5-10 minutes. Place in a medium-sized casserole dish and top with the mashed potatoes. Cook at 180°C for 20 - 30 minutes, or until golden brown.
Hope that helps. :-))
Apr 9, 2:20am
Thanks - I had leftover roast lamb, so was looking for shepherds pie. I just made it using gravy, and veggies. Kind of made it up as I went! Hopefully it tastes good.
Apr 9, 4:27am
"designer potato" ?
Apr 9, 4:35am
Well done jimbob37. I'm sure you're very own version of Shepherds' Pie will taste just as good as any made using a recipe and IMO some of the yummiest meals are made from leftovers - Great taste and no waste has not to be a good thing! :-))
Apr 9, 5:17am
Seriously? You didn't take that as a joke . fork marks in the potato. read my post
Apr 9, 5:58am
Making lighthearted jests in this forum is fraught with pitfalls as it is full of serious minded individuals who take umbrage at the slightest thing. However, I think the emoji that went with the post probably demonstrated that the irony was gotten and appreciated. I certainly appreciated it, and the recipe as well.
Apr 9, 6:31am
Oh the shame,,, my bad.
Apr 9, 7:31am
Thanks! Was delicious. Even the fussy 6 year old enjoyed it. And leftovers for my lunch tomorrow. Yay!
Apr 9, 7:45am
Meh give it a twist. throw some gravy beef or rump in to a big baking dish cover the bottom with steak add a heap of onions then grab some cheap -but GOOD-LOL bacon countdown own 13 dollar pack on top and fire it in zee oven for a good 3 hours on 140 slow cook and braise it then add a heap of cooked mashed potato on top then a bag of grated cheese and grill till the ole cheese does a nice melt. Deliscimo and freezes well easy microwave meal b
Apr 9, 8:47am
I always think shepherds pie tastes so much better made with leftover roast lamb - has so much flavour especially if, like me, you roast your lamb with lots of garlic and rosemary
Apr 9, 8:53am
Sheperds pie is just the left overs, i chop up an onion, add left over lamb meat and all the veges , left over gravy, and the all roughly chopped. add some peas, if it is a bit dry i add some tomatoe sauce . push down into a caserole dish the cover with mashed potatoe with lots of creamy butter . heat in oven until hot and the potatoe is golden brown. I like to use a fork to create some crunchy bits on the top. serve. just as is as all the veges are in there.
Apr 9, 9:33am
Oh, but what left-overs! I also use the left over roast lamb, and as well as the left over gravy, peas, carrots and onions, I splash some mint sauce and Worcester sauce in for good luck! I never put cheese on the potato - prefer the designer look.
Oct 6, 2:54am
Lol, . you have to get the left overs quickley otherwise the meat is just picked or make into sandwiches, rpast potatoes eaten cold, they leave the carrots , but it can be a very economocal meal if you do lots of Veges, . roast one night . Cold meat sanwiches with a nice pickle, for lunch and a good shepherd pie the next.
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