Hing pie

bulldogod, May 8, 12:40am
Does anyone know where I can get a recipe?

leonie11, May 8, 2:03am
what is hing?

cookessentials, May 8, 2:23am
A spice I think, sorry dont have any recipes though. Have you tried Google?

natalie9, May 8, 2:25am
I think I tried that at a vegetarian restaurant in Newmarket that is now closed down. Doesn't seem to be anything on google according to my searches...

cookessentials, May 8, 2:29am
Yep, have had a look. It is a powder used in Indian vegetarian cooking.

cookessentials, May 8, 2:30am
There is a cafe in Dominion Rd that has Hing pie, maybe they will share their recipe.

245sam, May 8, 3:34am
Hing is also known as Asafoetida - I have never used it but have often seen it used in recipes - particularly vegetarian and Indian - I understand that hing can be found at Bin Inn. Here's some info' that may be of interest:-

This spice is used as a digestive aid, in food as a condiment and in pickles. Its odour, when uncooked, is so strong that it must be stored in airtight containers; otherwise the aroma will contaminate other spices stored nearby. However, its odour and flavor become much milder and more pleasant upon heating in oil or ghee, acquiring a taste and aroma reminiscent of sautéed onion and garlic.
Asafoetida reduces the growth of indigenous microflora in the gut, reducing flatulence. "

The above info' and more about hing can be found at:-

http://en. wikipedia.org/wiki/Hing

bulldogod, May 8, 6:45pm
Yes, I tried it at the cafe in Dominion rd but havnt been able find recipe on google or vegetarian sites.

elliehen, Apr 13, 12:40pm
Maybe Pataks has a 'contact us' on their website?