Have you got a recipe. I've never heard of them, then showed a picture to my husband who tells me his mum used to make them sometimes, and are quite spongy. Wonder if MIL has an English recipe for me to follow (I know mum used to have the Margriet Coekbook (my spelling would be attrocious, which is why I try not to spell anything Dutch lol)
Apr 3, 8:25am
I have the Margriet kookboek, my mother in law gave it to me some 50 years ago. It is well used, well loved and coming apart. Yes I have a recepie but it is in Dutch LOL
Tip: Eierkoeken zijn nog lekkerder als de platte onderkant besmeerd wordt met boter en daarna bestrooid wordt met een flinke laag suiker of jam. Ingrediënten 2 eieren 200 g kristalsuiker 2 zakjes vanillesuiker 5 g bakammonium (ammoniumbicarbonaat) 150 g melk 200 g patentbloem, gezeefd 50 g maïzena, gezeefd Extra nodig Een ingevette en met bloem bestoven bakplaat/bakplaten Tijd (ongeveer) 5-10 minuten bereiding, ca. 8-10 minuten oven, minstens 2 uur wachten Zet een kom in een pan met heet water (au bain-marie), zorg dat de bodem van de kom het water niet raakt. Klop in deze kom de eieren met de kristalsuiker en vanillesuiker in ongeveer 5 minuten luchtig. Verwarm de melk tot lauwwarm en los het ammonium erin op. Neem de kom met het luchtig geklopte ei-suikermengsel van het vuur en meng de melk erdoor. Voeg de patentbloem en de maïzena toe en roer tot een glad mengsel. Klop het beslag nog 2 minuten goed door. Laat het beslag minstens 2 uur rusten op kamertemperatuur. Verwarm de oven voor op 200°C. Schep met een eetlepel kleine bergjes van het beslag op de voorbereide bakplaat. Zorg voor een tussenruimte van minstens 5 centimeter tussen de bergjes, want het beslag drijft uit. Bak de eierkoeken ongeveer 8-10 minuten in de voorverwarmde oven, of tot ze goudgeel van kleur zijn en bruine randjes hebben. Laat de koeken afkoelen op een rooster.
Mix all and leave overnight, or at least 4 hours before bakingg. Put approx 3 heaps (dessertspoons) on a greased tray. Start baking at 190C and turn back to 180C for 10 minutes. Mrs H. den Boer in the Cooking on Clogs Waikato cookbook, which musst have come out around 91.
Think I should look through some of these recipes and try to keep some of our heritage alive. Hopeless case lol - who'd have thought I would even find an English recipe in my Dutch cookbooks (which are all in English) lol
Apr 3, 8:47am
Tip : Egg Cookies are even better if the flat bottom smeared with butter and then sprinkled with a layer of sugar or jam . ingredients 2 eggs 200 g granulated sugar 2 sachets of vanilla sugar 5 g of bakammonium ( ammonium bicarbonate) Milk 150 g 200 g all purpose flour , sifted 50g cornflour , sifted Tools needed A greased and floured baking tray / trays Time (approximate) 5-10 minutes preparation , approximately 8-10 minutes oven , wait at least 2 hours Put a bowl in a pan of hot water ( bain - marie ) , make sure the bottom of the bowl does not touch the water . Beat the eggs in the bowl with the granulated sugar and vanilla sugar in about 5 minutes airy. Heat the milk to lukewarm and dissolve the ammonium in it. Take the bowl with lightly beaten egg - sugar mixture from the heat and add the milk. Add the all purpose flour and cornstarch and stir until smooth . Beat the batter for 2 minutes well . Let the batter rest for at least 2 hours at room temperature . Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Spoon a tablespoon of small mounds of batter onto the prepared baking sheet . Provide a space of at least 5 inches between the mounds , because the batter floats out . Fry the egg cakes have about 8-10 minutes in the preheated oven , or until golden brown in color and edges . Let the cake cool on a rack .
Thank you both, I do like to see how bad my Dutch is, and it wasn't too bad, just a few things had me confused. Definitely going to have to try both recipes and see how I go with it.
Apr 3, 9:13am
You could try House on The Hill in the USA. We have their cookie moulds, but not sure if they are able to ship the bakers ammonia. Or you could try one of the Dutch shops perhaps. Try looking for hartshorn which is the other name for it.
Why not use baking powder.?. You could add $30.00 or more to your recipe, looking at the last link.
Apr 4, 12:17am
The first link in the thread is perfect and not costly at all. Baking powder is not the same, bakers ammonia makes things very light and fluffy.
Apr 4, 1:18am
I've been reading all about it and I have to say, I'm tempted to try it! Not that dear to buy really.
Apr 4, 7:41am
Did you read post 12? NZ website.
Apr 5, 9:58am
One ?
what is vanilla sugar please?
Apr 22, 7:23am
Still need to make these and it is on the last page, so bump
Apr 22, 7:54am
Sugar with a vanilla bean buried in it and left for a few weeks until sugar has absorbed the flavour. You can buy little sachets of it in the Dutch Corner, or make you own.
Sep 22, 1:12am
just got my bakers ammonia from safka so will be making these later on
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