Fodder beet chutney - p*ss take?

mazzy1, May 3, 1:15am
I think someone's pulling my leg but they gave me a giant one of these and said (Southland farming accent needed here) "oh yeah, nah - make bloody good chutney out of that little bugger". It's roughly the size of Texas and must weigh about 15kg.

rainrain1, May 3, 3:35pm
Anything's possible. I'd get that accent fixed if I were you though :-)

petal1955, May 3, 3:36pm
Are you talking about Beetroot ? . if so they make excellent chutney

petal1955, May 3, 3:39pm

rainrain1, May 3, 4:04pm
More like a turnip type of crop, although longer in length, it is full of sugar, and as sweet as can be to taste. There are turnip chutney recipes on Google

illusion_, May 3, 10:43pm
"Fodderbeet" is a generic name. Could well be a Mangold, or a Sugarbeet, or even (considering its Southland) a Swede. Either way your famer will not be taking the urine. While not my choice all can be made into a chutney.

rainrain1, May 3, 11:58pm
We say swedes and fodderbeet. sorry old chap

mazzy1, Aug 25, 12:20pm
Thanks all for your comments. This, as rainrain has suggested is like a giant swede type vegetable for feeding cattle. I'm suspicious that someone is playing a joke about turning the fodder beet into chutney.