Home made worcestshire sauce?

leonie11, Aug 9, 2:20pm
anyone made it? Have googled but so many recipes and would like to know if someone here has made it. thanks in advance.

illusion_, Aug 9, 4:25pm
290ml = $5 (l&p)

why would you?

fifie, Aug 9, 5:21pm
ive made it back in the day, it stunk the house out lol,

cleggyboy, Aug 9, 5:39pm
If you are able to find Digby Law's Pickle & Chutney Cookbook there is an excellent recipe in there, also Garlic sauce which is just as pleasant.

panicky, Aug 9, 5:41pm
Its deboning the anchovies that I find the worst part

uli, Aug 9, 6:18pm
Why de-bone an anchovy?
Just buy a pottle and go from there.

illusion_, Aug 9, 6:46pm
catching them is the hard part

cleggyboy, Aug 9, 8:11pm
Easy on a long line.

leonie11, Aug 9, 8:43pm
thanks cleggyboy.

cleggyboy, Aug 9, 9:34pm

niffer13, Aug 10, 1:33am
Yes I used the recipe from the Edmonds cook book. I didn't strain it so had a lovely thick sauce which was lovely with steak & great in stews & mince dishes. Yes well worth making. I can post the recipe if you haven't got an Edmonds Cook book. My book is almost 50 years old.

jennis, Jan 6, 7:14pm
The Cook the Books programme is currently being repeated on Choice.