Ive been making soups over the last week and freezing it so I have a quick meal when I want it, what's your go to soup?
Apr 23, 6:25am
Leftover chilli con carne thrown into pumpkin/kumara/carrot soup!
Apr 23, 7:02am
Thai pumpkin soup, sweetcorn and potato chowder, split pea soup - vegetarian, mexican tortilla soup, carrot and cumin soup. We love soups and they are so easy to make.
We love soup in our house, especially in Winter but it has to be homemade. Our favourites are Tomato with basil, Mushroom & Barley, Curried Pumpkin, Cauliflower & leek, Indian Dahl, Winter Vegetable, Chicken & corn and served with fresh homemade bread. I usually make French baguette or sometimes Curry & Onion bread, it goes well with any soup.
Apr 23, 7:23am
I do love Chinese chicken and corn soup, mushroom, cauliflower - old aussie womans weekly recipe and its devine, tomato - im ashamed to say I even love watties tinned - but its so so bad for you,,,only tinned soup I do like. I also like Asian broths with coconut I often just wing them without a recipe.
Apr 23, 7:38am
Motorbo, I too love tinned tom soup :-) It's almost comfort food, I have memories sitting at my nana's table dropping buttered bread into the tom soup and scooping out. We don't have it often I probably only buy it once in a while if i need to have a bought lunch from supermarket. Which is not often.
Apr 23, 7:58am
Nauru,I love the sound of the mushroom and barley, cauliflower and leek and the Indian Dahl, please please can you send me the recipes
Apr 23, 8:01am
Motorbo, the cauliflower woman's weekly recipe sound good, can you put it on for us the try, thanks so much
Apr 23, 8:18am
cauliflower soup 1 med cauli 1/2 cup of cream 2 egg yolks 6 grams of butter 1 onion 2 tablespoons of flour 1 cup of water 1 chicken stock cube 2 tsp curry powder 1 tablespoon of chives cook cauliflower in water until tender, reserve 2 cups of the water when you strain it, melt butter and sauté chopped onion till transparent, stir in flour and cook, stir in water and add the stock cube. blend the cooked cauli with the reserved water add the onion mix and blend - return the mix to the pot and add the cream and egg yolks and curry powder, bring to the boil stirring and reduce heat, simmer add chives and serve
Apr 23, 8:31am
I think you id it right, for me its food from my youth and there is always comfort in that
Apr 23, 8:31am
In our house its home made tomato from our own garden (Mrs B makes all the stock as well so its a two part operation). Lots of basil in that one. Roast garlic and pumpkin is a favourite, seafood chowder, made with tons of celery and potatoes, smoked fish and garlic, and home made chicken, vegetable and noodle. All are made in large quantities, frozen and they are a quick meal accompanied by a garlic or herb loaf done in the breadmaker. Heaven to come home to the smell of the bread and the soup, and the log burner is usually going as well as its a cold night meal. Yum.
Apr 23, 8:39am
My vege soup is the best
Apr 23, 8:54am
More recipes please,thanks everyone this is good
Apr 23, 11:44pm
Thanks, I'm just making that for my lunch!
Apr 24, 9:02am
awesome hope u enjoy it
Apr 26, 12:57am
I,m wanting a pumpkin soup recipe please, I have 21 of them in the garden so need to do something with some of them,, thanks.
Apr 26, 1:44am
kalgirl if you put the words Pumpkin soup in the search box on the left and change it to last year you will get lots of ideas. Try it.
Apr 28, 6:58am
Would any one have a recipe for tomato soup using tinned tomatoes Thanks
May 5, 8:04am
Alison Holst's KUMARA, PUMPKIN AND PEANUT SOUP 1 large onion 2 garlic cloves 2 tbsp each of butter or peanut oil and peanut butter ½ tsp each of curry powder, crushed coriander seeds and salt ⅛-¼ tsp chilli powder 250g (9oz) each of peeled and cubed pumpkin and peeled & cubed kumara (1 fairly large) – weigh both after preparation 4 cups water 2 tsp instant chicken stock or vegetable stock for a vegetarian version
Cut the onion into quarters and peel the garlic cloves. Chop finely together in a food processor or by hand. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the chopped onion and garlic, and cook over a low heat, stirring frequently, until the onion becomes transparent. Add the curry powder, freshly ground coriander seeds, chilli powder and salt to the onion mixture on the stove and stir over moderate heat for at least a minute. Add the vegetables to the saucepan with the water and instant stock, bring to the boil and simmer gently for about 15 minutes or until the vegetables are tender. Add the peanut butter. Take care not to add too much, or the peanut flavour will drown the vegetable flavours. Purée the soup in a food processor, blender or mouli, or mash it with a potato masher to get the consistency you want. Serve soup with small, crisp, freshly made croutons or garnish with a spoonful of lightly whipped cream or unsweetened plain yoghurt, swirled on to the centre of each serving. A handful of chopped chives, spring onion leaves, parsley or coriander leaves looks attractive, too.
http://www.101cookbooks.com/archives/a-simple-carrot-soup-recipe.html Recently made this recipe. Carrots, coconut cream and red curry paste. I'm not a big fan of carrots but this soup is so good. Had to use up a large crop of carrots from the garden somehow. A handy tip when planting veges from seeds, don't tip the seeds straight from the packet. One packet of seeds grows lots of carrots!
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