Looking for whole sauerkraut cabbage leaves to make a Croatian dish. Anyone know where over New Lynn- West way?
Aug 27, 3:39am
Nope. I know how but need something quick stix
Aug 27, 3:41am
what uli said really easy, I made some today, although strictly speaking mine is kim chi as it has a whole lot of other ingredients. Sauerkraut is just cabbage, salt and carraway seeds.
Aug 27, 3:42am
In that case there must a shop that sells German products somewhere in Auckland? Actually now I think about it I'm sure I've seen it in shops that sell Dutch products, I know we have a big wholefood shop here that sells. Big Dutch community in Akld.
Aug 27, 3:44am
Familiar with the sauerkraut thread. ta. But need leaves already prepared for a surprise dish Friday night to remind someone of our childhood
Aug 27, 3:45am
yes there are - but none of it is fresh but all would be canned or bottled. And there will be none with whole leaves. All is shredded.
So sorry daarhn - either postpone that dinner and make it yourself or change the menu :)
Aug 27, 3:45am
I like the Dutch shop in Henderson, but after the leaves whole or whole cabbage to unpeel myself
Aug 27, 3:47am
nooooooooo. hehe. I have a few more Croatian dishes in my apron pockets I can switch to. ta
Aug 27, 3:48am
I am glad! Are you sharing?
Aug 27, 3:54am
You're hankering for an invite? hehe
Aug 27, 4:33am
what about the deli shop end of lIncoln Road, as you get off the motorway to head down there? (Where metalman is, where the garden shop used to be). think it is euro-dell, or similar.
Otherwise there may be something down Dominion Road, as they have all sorts there.
Aug 27, 7:41pm
No - just a recipe or two :)
Aug 27, 10:25pm
The 'recipes' are in my head. Learned from the Babas & Tetes who never used a recipe in their life. The old way of oral history. Not something you can write down, as it changes with seasons, moods, people you're with and the occasions you're cooking for.
Nov 29, 11:10am
Yep my recipes are in my head also and I also try to help people out who want to do sauerkraut or sourdough bread or many other of these old time food preparations. Many things can be described without measurements or moods. And we can all do seasonal adjustments. I hope your Croatian dishes will work out well.
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