I keep mine in a tupperware fridgesmart box. Also it keeps quite well in a water in the fridge
Oct 10, 1:23am
Wrapped in tinfoil.
Oct 10, 1:26am
Doesn't it just go limp if you've kept it too long & that is what the real problem is?
One thing I love to do with it is put low fat cream cheese in the centre and eat it like that.
Oct 10, 1:41am
no it goes limp straight away when I bring it home from the supermarket.
Oct 10, 1:44am
Sounds like the supermarket has kept it too long then! Or there is something wrong with your fridge. When I buy it I think it lasts about 5 days just there loose in my fridge before it goes limp.
Oct 10, 1:45am
Don't let it get too warm in the car if it's a long car trip home. and when you get it home, cut off hte bottom and trim off the tops. Chop into reasonable lengths then store it air tight. Be that in a plastic bag, an icecream tub, or tinfoil. This is all I've ever done and it's never limp and sad for weeks.
Oct 10, 1:50am
I take off the leaves and stringy bits then wrap in a supermarket bag, twisted tightly to keep out the air. It keeps fresh and crispy for nearly a week in the chiller section . After that I'll still use it - limp or not - in cooking soups stews etc, doesn't make any difference to the taste I love it with cream cheese too, snap crunch. yum
Oct 10, 1:52am
eurekarika and karrie3, have you tried adding some very finely chopped crystallised ginger to the cream cheese? It makes an even more delicious snack IMO. :-))
Oct 10, 5:12am
No, I've never thought of that, but it sounds delicious. I love ginger in anything, will give it a go next time. Thanks!
Oct 14, 3:06pm
I also keep mine in a tupperware fridgesmart box, excellent.
Oct 14, 7:01pm
I chop it into pieces and freeze it for soups etc. I keep some in the freezer all the time
Oct 14, 7:30pm
I just roll it in a supermarket plastic bag. Stays crisp for ages.
Oct 14, 7:38pm
I do this too, one bag for the bottom, one over the top. Basically keeps the moisture in the celery, stops it going limp.
Oct 14, 11:59pm
Aren't those boxes great. I also keep cheese in one of the smaller ones, a tip given to me by one of their sales people, keeps for ages too and no more mouldy cheese.
Oct 15, 4:04am
how cold is your fridge? i dont have that issue, but ours is set on 2*C
Oct 16, 12:44am
Yes do do live in the country so it has a bit of a journey home
Oct 16, 3:03am
Wash it, let it drip dry, put it into a plastic bag that completely encloses it. Put it into the fridge and it will last at least a week.
Oct 17, 2:16am
The tinfoil trick will keep it for weeks as it does for all my greens including lettuce.
Aug 28, 5:05am
I'm also all for the tinfoil. However I recently invested in a vacuum sealer so might try using that to see how long it lasts stored like that.
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