We have been given eggs from a friends free range farm as far as I am aware they are no more than 2 weeks old Just cracked one into a cake (grrr) and it has some black spots inside which tore the yolk when I poured it into the cake.
No bad smell
The cake is in the oven.
I have to chuck it don't I in case it is mould? Just googled to find a picture and I can't, trying to find out how to post one on here!
Oct 20, 6:29pm
a bit more googling seems to be telling me it is mould and the cake has to go!
Now I am wondering whether I can eat the rest of them.
Oct 20, 6:30pm
Perfectly all good to eat. Not mold spots as no air is inside the egg. You will know by smell if a fresh farm egg is bad but those spots I think you are talking of are called meat spots and usually we have found a young bird first laying is more likely to have this in her eggs. Perfectly safe to eat just look a little blughh LOL.
Oct 20, 6:31pm
Very very very doubtful that mould would be inside an egg. The egg smells if it is off.
Oct 20, 6:32pm
google What are these spots inside my farm eggs.
That will tell you all you need to know. We eat eggs like this all the time.
Oct 20, 7:03pm
Thanks sorry I wasn't clear the black spots are attached to the shell, rather than being blood spots
(cake is cooling now and smells yummy so I not looking at it! )
Oct 20, 8:52pm
Oxygen can pass through the shell of an egg. In the past oil or egg preserver was used to coat the shells so eggs would last longer. Crack eggs onto a saucer first before adding to the bowl if there's any chance of duds.
Oct 20, 11:47pm
Yes they are mould spots inside the shell - and yes you can still eat the egg if they do not small bad.
The spots start when the egg is not turned regularly and the yolk starts to adhere to the shell. Once it adheres completely then it will go off and you can smell that without doubt.
So if you have eggs that you want to keep for a few weeks all you have to do is turn them every second day. Easily done in an egg carton.
I have kept eggs like that in 32 degree C heat on my boat for over 2 months.
The yolk tends to split after about 6 weeks of that but the eggs will not go bad.
Oct 21, 2:09am
uli you have told me stuff I never knew. Wow. I thought that they must be stored in the fridge to keep them longer. Might try that 2 month thing this summer. Seems to good to be true.
Aug 18, 7:53pm
Let me know if you get over 3 months LOL :) We had eaten them all after 2 months and 1 week.
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