hello,. I am needing to make 2 birthday cakes for my 3 year old. One for daycare on Thurs and one for Saturday. My question is can I freeze/refrigerate them and then take out on the day to decorate or will this depend on the cake recipe? Will the cakes still be good to eat? Also can i decorate while still frozen? I am doing an elephant and a turtle. but that that is another issue altogether!
Feb 1, 9:57pm
Yep, freezing a cake is a great thing to do. In the industry when we dry out a cake by overcooking it, you just drop it in the freezer for a couple of days and it comes out beautiful and moist.
What are you decorationg with? (buttercream, fondant, coloured icing?)
Feb 1, 10:07pm
Hi thanks for the input. I think just a buttercream? I am no expert though so any advice on turtles and elephants and icing them appreciated!
Feb 1, 10:16pm
I would say buttercream tastes the best, but as far as decorating it can be difficult because of the softness of the icing. You could try a piped buttercream style decoration?
Feb 2, 12:21am
Oh dear well i don't have a piping bag. can you ive me an example please?
Feb 2, 12:24am
What cake decorating tools do you have?
Feb 2, 1:37am
can you still take a cake to daycare ? A few chips of Strawberries would be nice and fresh in this heat.
Tried to sign up to "Betty Club" but wont accept as I could not give a Zip Code
Feb 2, 8:36pm
They are so cute! Thanks for our question on my site, you wont need piping things for the Elephant as you can just spread it with a knife - do a crumb layer first and pop it in the fridge then do another layer over the top to get the smoother look - it is hard to get perfectly smooth but using a warm damp knife can help finish it off
for the turtle you can buy cheap piping kits from the supermarket, or even just cut a small whole in the corner of a zip lock bag at a pinch! Happy to help - if you find my FB page you can ask questions there that I check more often, Anna Just a Mum :-)
Apr 1, 9:20am
Oh hi! Thanks for the advice. The chocolate cake recipe is similar to one i used to have on a bit of paper but have since lost so i am glad i have found it again. Might do the ziplock trick or just do a a pttern in the icing. Don't want to get too complex at this stage!
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