Iknow of one places, found it yesterday, barry's bay cheese sells it and this shop in a akaroa sold quince jam and apple one. barry's bay one is gorgouas!
Hi I make my own each year and its really delicious you can make some beautiful jelly,jam and poached quinces are yummy too.
Mar 22, 2:55pm
I sometimes make apple and quince jelly - yummy.
Mar 22, 8:09pm
My tree is so full of quinces I give them to all my friends andI make jelly, tomato and quince jam, quince and apple jam, dried quince slices. About 50 jars every year and they never last. Everybody just loves them. But they are not easy to find around here.
Mar 22, 9:57pm
Not everyone has access to quinces.
Mar 22, 11:09pm
Quinces are about now - cheap as too!
Mar 27, 8:16pm
Wonder if Wellington is having another big Jamoff contest this year!I like the sound of Golden Queen Peach & Manuka Honey Jam - last year's winner.
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