Desert layered with gingernuts chocolate sauce

highfences, Mar 16, 4:15am
Recipe on Good morning with gingernuts pineapple lime juice chocolate sauce and icecream please

245sam, Mar 16, 7:44am
highfences, is the recipe you're wanting a very recent one i.e. from this year's Good Morning Show!If so is it this one:- Otherwise have a look at:-

waipawa, Mar 16, 8:30am
Use plenty of sand

petal1955, Mar 16, 2:40pm
Just you just LOVE these people that make these smart comments !

rainrain1, Mar 16, 2:55pm
Nothing better than a wee laugh now and then petal1955, that comment made me smile anyway

bedazzledjewels, Mar 16, 3:07pm
You'd need a lot of ginger nuts and chocolate. ;-)