Tomato Soup

mummysjs, Feb 16, 10:37pm
I've made some tomato soup this afternoon and followed a new recipe, however, it's too sweet.Does anyone have any advice as to how unsweeten it! Thanks

jessie981, Feb 16, 10:43pm
If you have enough, make another lot of soup, minus the sugar & add. Potato takes saltiness out, wonder if it works with sugar!
Hints on here!q=tomato+soup+that's+too+sweet&rlz=1C1CHMO_en-GBNZ469NZ469&oq=tomato+soup+that's+too+sweet&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

lilyfield, Feb 16, 11:00pm
did you put sugar inthe soup! i am amazed

uli, Feb 16, 11:14pm
Most people do lilyfield - someone in another thread had a much too sweet relish.

I would simply add more tomatoes - and for the future do what I always do - don't add the sugar until you are finished - or add only a third. Then check and if it really needs more sugar you can then add it.

Most recipes have an extraordinary amount of sugar, so I never put all of that in at the beginning (the same with cakes actually).