Sending NZ wine as gift overseas

maynard9, Feb 25, 6:44pm
Has anybody had any experience sending NZ wine as a gift to Australia!
As in from a company rather than packing it up yourself.

pattym1, Feb 25, 7:06pm
I have bought NZ wine off a web site and had it delivered in Aus - worked well, no problems at all

maynard9, Feb 26, 12:04pm
|Thanks for your reply.

Can you recall which company!I see there are a few.

harrislucinda, Feb 26, 1:39pm
wellnot toAusbuti wouldliketoknowaswell thatsendsoverseasIknowmy sisterviaafriendhadsomearrangedin Scotlanddelieveredjustlikeflowers

beaker59, Feb 26, 9:53pm
What would the card say "sorry I couldn't come, have a bottle of wine to celebrate"

lemming2, Feb 28, 4:14am
NZ Wine Society! Glengarry's! ask them on line.

elliehen, Feb 28, 6:59pm