i cant find the thread with the quantities. Anyone know please. I saw a caramel and nuts with it but forgot how much cream! TIA
Feb 2, 11:53pm
The one my kids made the other week used 1 tin condensed milk, 500ml (1 large bottle) of cream, 1tsp vanilla essence and 3 crunchie bars- hope that helps :)
Feb 3, 12:43am
Thankyou Kates kids! I saw it made with a can of caramel c/milk and then add toasted pecan nuts but I will add the crunchy seeing as its my 17yr old grandson that has asked me to make it! I remember it said to whip the cream lightly and slowly add the con/milk until thick then fold in the nuts or whatever you wanted to add.we are moving so have packed the mags I am keeping in a box then remembered the ice-cream. Thankyou :-)
Feb 3, 1:01am
My Nana used to make us ice cream using a can of unsweetened evaporated milk, has anyone got that recipe please!
Feb 3, 1:25am
In a Joy Cowley book there is an ice cream recipe which is made like this
1 can condensed milk 300 ml cream 1 can mashed drained tinnedfruit (eg berries)
mix together, beat, pour into container and place in freezer till frozen, remove from freezer and beat again. Replace into freezer till ready to eat.
Feb 3, 1:33am
Kids make one with over ripe bananas and home made fudge bits and caramelsauce. I only let them make it for xmas and days. Will type it tomorrow if you like.
Feb 3, 1:34am
We used tobeat unsweetened condensed milk with sugar and vanilla then freeze in trays.Don't remember quantities,I seem to think sometimes we scraped it into a bowl when half frozen and beat it again.
I tried this recipe yesterday -- okay but a little sweet.I'll probably try variations
Feb 3, 1:43am
yes , I remember Nana beating it again with her trusty hand beater, lots oflittle faces around the table watching
Feb 3, 1:50am
Anyone got a recipe for licorice ice cream using c/milk & cream recipe
I haven't made it but looks an ok sort of recipe. It will give you an idea of how much star anise to use.
Feb 3, 3:27am
Thankyou, This is what I did but I used a tin of the caramel con milk and it tastes delish, I licked the spoon, grandson licked the bowl and beater 30mins later he asked if the ice cream was ready! I also broke up some crunchy bars and added to it will test tomorrow night.
Feb 3, 5:05pm
Banana & toffe (or fudge) Icecream 3 ripe banans juice of 1 lemon 1 can of sweetened condensed milk 150ml cream 150 g of toffees or fudge
Process the bananas to a puree then add the lemon juice. Scrape the puree into a plastic container. Pour in the condensed milk, stirring with a metal spoon, and add the cream. Mix well, cover and freeze until mushy. Chop the toffees or fudge roughly. Beat the semi frozen ice cream with a fork or electric whisk to break up the ice crystals, then stir in toffees/fudge. Put back in the freezer and freeze until firm. I drizzle bit of caramel sauce at the bottom of the container and again when I am stirring the fudge bits in. Because of the consistency of the condensed milk, this ice cream takes a long time to freeze so it is best made by hand rather than a machine. I find it bit too sweet but kids love it on special days. And even better they can make it themselves (they mash the bananas with forks until almost smooth puree stage). Over ripe bananas are fine as well.
Feb 3, 9:54pm
I whip 500ml cream with the vanilla ess then stir in 1 can cond milk and whatever flavour I'm using.
Just make sure cond milk well stirred in as it's heavier than cream so tends to sink thru it when you first pour it in.
Feb 4, 1:31am
put some liqueur in it, very very nice
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