When boiling condensed milk to make toffee, can you use the tins with the tear top lids, or will they explode!Thank you
Jan 4, 1:59pm
tear top is OK.Simmer, dont boil
Jan 4, 2:02pm
thanks patxyz. Have you done it before! I really dont want a hot toffee explosion through the kitchen:)
Jan 4, 2:05pm
never had that happen just dont let it boil dry . its very sweet
Jan 4, 2:08pm
thank you - I will give it a go:-)
Jan 4, 5:28pm
Can you do it with an induction hob!
Jan 4, 6:17pm
Why not buy the cans of ready-made caramel milk! It isn't that much more expensive.
Jan 4, 7:09pm
why not just make the caramel with butter and brown sugar and condensed milk,.much nicer.
Jan 4, 8:22pm
ok epic fail! LOL. The boiling was fine and I left it simmering for 3 hours, but it wasnt caramel!Maybe I didnt have the water hot enough! Anyway, I ended up using the condensed milk with brown sugar and butter, just waiting for it to set - fingers crossed:/
Jan 6, 12:44am
Seems weird three hours an no caramel. Shame as it is better than any other caramel
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