I have used this same microwave rec ipe for about 15 years and todays batch won't thicken. Any ideas! Should I add another egg as the lemons were very juicy!
Dec 22, 9:31pm
Could have been a case of using the wronge breed of lemon.
Dec 22, 9:33pm
I'd add another yolk and recook it.Was the juice measured or did it just say juice of x lemons!There can be a huge variance between lemons.
Dec 22, 9:34pm
Is there a wrong lemon breed! I've used both Lisbon and Meyer in my microwave lemon honey and they both work fine, although I prefer Meyer.
I always use a little more juice than my recipe states, as I like it very lemony, and just nuke it a bit longer. Always sets.
Dec 22, 9:40pm
Why just the yolk please! I have made this recipe with every variety of lemons butthese were super juicy. Yes it did just say the juice of x lemons.
Dec 22, 9:45pm
The very reason why I always choose, if possible, a recipe that has a stated measure of any juice, not just the juice of x lemons, oranges or whatever - fruit do indeed vary so much in size and juice yield.:-))
Dec 22, 9:47pm
Because the yolk is the part of the egg that will do the thickening.If you don't have an immediate use for the egg white, freeze it for another day when you might need just 1 egg white for a meringue topping or a batch of meringues.:-))
Dec 22, 10:53pm
Hot water meringues recipe uses only one egg white. :)
Dec 23, 12:00am
Thanks to all- I added one egg and nuked it again. Its setting thank goodness. Thanks for help and Happy Christmas and super New Year to all.
Apr 1, 6:21am
Passed ICND1 wooo, thanks crreeacert lots of questions from P4S and actualtest , but a few random ones. know how switching works, broadcasts etc..couple questions on network security, virus , trojan's , phishing drag and drop type question match with definition.got all the drag and drop simulations, and one where you are given switch and router topology and asked about configurations on each. I got the lowest score for the WLAN administrative tasks section, also know your cable types by name DB60, what a crossover looks like and which numbers cross 1-3 2-6 i think it was
Apr 2, 6:02am
yRqmcZ utrusmtaciud
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