There was a thread on here recently have tried the sidebar with variations of the above header and can't locate it, can anyone help.I know it was dried fruit soaked overnight in liquid then flour and baking powder! Just not sure of quantities.
Dec 20, 7:03pm
1kg dried fruit of your choice 2 cups orange juice OR strong black coffee
Soak overnight Next day stir in 2 cups flour, can use self raising and leave out baking powder 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon spice (or your choice; mixed or mixed or cinnamon)
Pour into a greased tin and cook at 180C for 1-1/2hrs
This will not keep as it has no fat in it and will be dry within 3 days or so. If you want to keep it then freeze. It may go moldy otherwise.
Dec 20, 7:40pm
Thanks for that, do remember reading something about it now keeping too well.Will try it with the coffee.
Dec 20, 8:12pm
It is so discusting, it makes me shudder the think of it.
Dec 20, 8:14pm
Dec 20, 8:16pm
As long as it isn't disgusting I am willing to give it a go.
Dec 20, 8:24pm
It obviously isn't as 'good' as a more elaborate recipe ( 8 eggs, 500gms butter etc) but I always make it as well as any other Xmas cake. Last year I used quite ameasure of whiskey and it lasted for months, in the pantry, and didn't dry out or even look like going mouldy. I was as surprised as you are.
Dec 20, 8:32pm
I have got some of that 13.9%alcohol gin, do you reckon that would be any good! The mixed fruit are sultanas, payaya, pineapple, apricot and mixed peel along with some sliced almonds. Also have pineapple and orange juice.
Dec 20, 8:42pm
yes iagreewouldnotwastefruitonityukkk
Dec 20, 10:49pm
I make it all the time and our family love it. Everyone is different in their tastes, give it ago and see what you think.
Dec 20, 10:52pm
To have one last for months, speaks for itself. lol
Dec 20, 11:18pm
Not at all, pickles!
In earlier times brides used to keep the top tier of their rich fruit wedding cake for the christening cake of the first born, and back then tbe first baby was usually born ten months after the nuptials ;)
Dec 20, 11:18pm
Not at all, pickles!
In earlier times brides used to keep the top tier of their rich fruit wedding cake for the christening cake of the first born, and back then the first baby was usually born ten months after the nuptials ;)
Dec 21, 1:42am
You make it "all the time" - REALLY - . do you mean year round as it will not keep more than 4 weeks . or do you freeze it!
Dec 21, 3:20am
Have to agree, the most disgusting fruit cake ever.Dont waste the fruit.Make a proper one.
Dec 21, 3:41am
suck ya other thumb.
Dec 21, 2:20pm
I made it after reading it on was a 50 50 husband liked it I didnt.and he can be fussy.try it out for yourself.everyone has different tastes.Love this cooking thread.
Dec 21, 2:27pm
I make it in 2 smaller dishes, freeze one, eat one. hubby likes it, got false teeth a year ago and still getting use to them, reckons the cake is easy to eat as its moist. He cant eat biscuits like he use too.
Dec 21, 4:33pm
And a happy Christmas to you too pickles, but we express it a little differently ;)
Dec 21, 7:51pm
well i made it today. Its a big hit in our house. Mr Ngacooky is a fussy fruit cake eater and he loved it.So i will make it again
Dec 21, 8:37pm
I've made it several times but not especially for Xmas. I've tried juices, coffee and even added chopped dark chocolate. I loved them all. I cook it in mini loaf tins and freeze some or as one cake, cut then freeze. It freezes well and stops me eating the whole lot in a week. You think twice when it is still in the freezer. But I love moist fruit cakes.
Dec 21, 9:16pm
*Grin* - exactly what my vegetarian wwoofers were like - eat carbs all day LOL :)
Dec 21, 11:22pm
That's a much too scary image right on Christmas!
Dec 22, 12:38am
Nobody said I ate carbs all day nor am I a vegetarian but do eat both in moderation. In fact, I eat most things in moderation. You had to have a go at me though, didn't you, even if you can't get things right.
Dec 22, 2:08am
I didnt think of cooking in my mini loaf tins, thanks.
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