can someone tell me the correct amount of ingredients please, is it 2 pkts of the biscuits and 250gm of cream cheese, or less crean cheese, I know the first time I made them was a coiuple of years ago and they were very sticky to make so the next time I think I added more biscuits but they weren't as nice and now can't remember how much of everything to put in, thanks
Dec 19, 9:16am
2 packets biscuits to 250g cream cheese.
I use Tim tams as they are not as sticky as toffee pops.
Dec 19, 9:19am
oh and could some one please answer my question on the topic too please, would rum and raisin tim tams AND real rum taste nice in it with the cream cheese! and what do you do to the chocolate to coat them to make it nice consistency to melt!
Dec 19, 11:32am
I use two packets of 'whatever choc biscuits' and a packet of wine biscuits to a 250 cream cheese.
Dec 19, 11:49am
I made it with Oreo biscuits and dipped the wee balls into melted dark chocolate. Very rich.
Dec 19, 4:31pm
Like nik, I also include some wine biscuits (you can't taste them) although I vary the amount I use depending on the mix - some are stickier than others.You can add some kremelta to the chocolate to make it a good dippling consistency or some tasteless oil like grapeseed or rice bran.I prefer the kremelta because its natural state is a solid although the oil does the trick.
Dec 19, 9:47pm
This year I used less cream cheese as the packets of biscuits aren't as big as they use to be.
Dec 20, 6:34am
I went and broughtmy usual Tim tams for my truffles. Never had I have had any problems with them. Tonight it was a disaster and they are definitely smaller than I remember than the last ones I brought.So I have turned it into a truffle fudge slice and it tastes yummy. Now it has to survive the teenager to set lol.
Dec 20, 7:21am
I saw today in a shop, a chocolate mud cake with truffles for topping. Looked very rich.
Dec 20, 8:35am
I made some for DDs teachers. I used 2 x pkts of toffee pops and maybe 125g of cream cheese. I had read a lot of things online about 250g being way to sticky so I just added a bit at a time and checked it for stickiness ;-)I rolled them in chopped nuts and froze.
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