Looking for Sugar Free Jell-o

timturtle, Feb 21, 2:17am
Do you mean any sugar free drink powder! TIA

sarahb5, Feb 21, 2:56am
Raro, Refresh, etc.

sapphire38, Dec 17, 2:44am
Looking to see if this product can be brought anywhere here in Christchurch does anyone know if it can be! without having to buy online, I have check the well Known Supermarkets and haven't seen them . Thanks for any replies

cgvl, Dec 17, 2:46am
weight watchers do a sugar free jelly

ldbaqbeak, Dec 17, 2:48am
Yes, as above, weight watchers jelly is sugar free.

punkinthefirst, Dec 17, 3:00am
Or you could use sugar-free soft drink and add gelatine.

nik12, Dec 17, 4:27am
Didn't know we had Jell-o in NZ LOL. but seriously, yeah pretty sure there is a weigh watcher or diabetic option amoung the other Jelly's!
But if you've tried the supermarkets, then maybe not!!

mrsrickp, Dec 17, 11:56am
www.sugarfreeplease.co.nz used to have a Jell-O product.check them out.

mrsrickp, Dec 17, 11:56am
www.sugarfreeplease.co.nz used to have a Jell-O product.check them out.

sapphire38, Dec 17, 2:21pm
Thanks for all the replies :-) Yes I know about Weight Watchers Jellies not much of a range only 5flavors .

Thanks for the idea of sugarfree drink and Gelatine * why didn't I think of that lol *

Will go check out the website now tysvm :-)

alnthea, Dec 21, 2:29pm
We love jelly and also make a snack type, 2 sachets of sugarfree juice powder, 1 litre of boiling water, 5 teaspoons of gelatine powder.
Let set in fridge, cut squares or slices and eat like a slice, perfect for hot days!

rockdale1, Dec 21, 6:59pm
Where do you find the sugarfree juice powder!