Does anyoen have a healthy and nurtious muesli/breakfast bar type reciepe suitable for a toddler to eat for breakfast!
Dec 4, 3:51am
No such thing as a healthy muesli bar IMHO - in order to make them not taste like sawdust you have to put a shed load of sugar or syrup in them to make them halfway palatable.There are far better things to give a toddler for breakfast if you have any regard to their nutrition and dental health - a simple sandwich for example, cereal, rice pudding, fruit and yoghurt, fruit muffin, toasted English muffin, etc.
Dec 4, 11:59am
I was going to suggest homemade version of the 'Lara Bar' until I read 'toddler', then I thought maybe not because of the nuts.
Dec 4, 1:19pm
!Hear hear
Dec 4, 2:39pm
I think Jo Seagar and/or Wendyl Nissen had a recipe. They were full of grains and fruit. Probablyhealthier than bought ones.
Dec 4, 3:31pm
But suitable for breakfast for a toddler!If anything they're a treat food, not an every day food.
Dec 4, 3:40pm
Have to agree, no such thing as a healthy muesli bar.especially for a toddler for breakfast.
Dec 4, 10:30pm
I appriecate that there is no such thing as a heathly museli bar, but i am running out of ideas for DS's breakfast.
He is extremly slow in the mornings and just can't entertan the idea of breakfast, and then is extremly fussy with breakfast foods.
He is fine on the days that he is at home as I just play around with the timing and give him breakfast at morning tes etc, but it is the 3 days at daycare that are a problem as he doesn't have time to come round to the idea of food,but needs something substaintial otherwise he starving come morning tea time.The center provide morning tea and are happy to accomodate his huge hunger at the time, but I would prefer him to have more sustanence earlier.
He is allergic to egg, won't eat weetbix or porridge.Only nibbles on toast.Will eat fruit but it doesn't full him up, hence why I was thinking a museli type bar.
Dec 4, 11:15pm
Up & Go and a banana would be better and more filling than a muesli bar.Alternatively, will the daycare staff give him breakfast!Had to do that a few times when my son was in daycare because he wouldn't eat anything at home - he was more than happy to have breakfast with the teachers and would eat things with them he wouldn't touch at home.Other days he would eat a marmite sandwich in the car on the way to daycare - not ideal but better than nothing.
Dec 5, 1:42am
Smoothies, even protein shakes or complan (check ingredients)with frozen berries or frozen bananas with oats ( porridge) ALL blended together. I have 1 fussy eater out of 5 children and with work and commitmentsi just dont have the time to give her a separate meal or special treatment and she knows if she doesnt eat properly that she will have bugger all energy and off her game. She eats 5 small meals a day just like her sisters but a good breakfast is a must as well as good eating habits.
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