Fudge using condensed milk

twinklestar2, Nov 29, 12:46pm
I remember when we were kids we used to have fudge using i thin round wine buscuits and condensed milk. Does anybody have a recipie for this! I dont have a edmonds cookbook, but its on my list for xmas.

jessie981, Nov 29, 2:35pm
Have you tried the lefthand message board! Under keyword put fudge cake & under date put last year. Sure to be something there but someone will help during the day. My one doesn't have c.m. Good luck


rainrain1, Nov 29, 5:37pm
There are a lot of fudge recipes with cond milk
Orange Square is one of them

1pkt crushed wine biscuits
3/4 cup coconut
rind of 1 orange
125gr butter
1/2 tin cond. milk
Melt butter then add condensed milk.Stir to combine. Add to dry ingedients and stir well.Spread in sponge roll tin and place in fridge until firm.Ice with orange icing.