Diabetic Dessert

macwood2, Nov 28, 2:28am
I am looking for a really nice dessert I can make for several diabetic people I have to cater for.Anyone have anything tried and tried.TIA.

lythande1, Nov 28, 11:54am
Diabetics shouldn't have dessert unless sugar levels are low, but if you have to.just make whatever with artificial sugar.

willman, Nov 28, 12:49pm
Strawberries are plentable now,it is what my husband and I have.in the correct amount of course.

cgvl, Nov 28, 1:59pm
do a search of recipes there is a diabetic thread which I will bump for you.
Diabetics can have a little sugar but nowhere near the amount that a non diabetic can have.
Try not to use an artificial sweetener as often these leave a bitter after taste, one which I totally detest.
Best would be fresh fruit but there are others. Diabetic NZ website has some and your library should have some diabetic cooking books too.

zanneta, Nov 28, 4:46pm
I make myself ajelly by squeezing oranges & stirring in some gelatine dissolved in hot water. You can add different fruits to that when cool too.

There's also some different ideas on the net:

Good on you for considering their health.

roseann48, Nov 28, 8:25pm
Sunshine Dessert
Bring to boil 425 tin crushed pineapple (lite syrup). Add 1 packet diabetic lemon jelly crystals & stir to dissolve. Remove from heat & leave to partly set.
Beat a 400 gram tin chilled lite evaporated milk. Beat until fluffy & thick, may take 10-15 mins. Combine the 2 mixtures & leave to set.

lythande1, Nov 28, 8:27pm
You think! Husband has any sugar and the sugar levels go UP.and UP.

cgvl, Nov 28, 10:08pm
lythande carbs do that to mine, sugar in tiny amounts doesn't. So I have to watch rice, pasta, bread, potatoes etc.But everyone is different, what works for me may not for someone else.

bedazzledjewels, Nov 28, 10:16pm
I suggest a cheese plate instead - without crackers or grapes! Maybe some 85% dark chocolate too.

macwood2, Nov 29, 1:51am
roseann48 that looks wonderful.Just what I want.The "do" has a few elderly people and I know I have a couple of diabetics who always seem happy enough with the fact that I provide them with fruit / berries etc.I just wanted to do something fabulous for them.Thanks for all other comments.Much appreciated.Love this site!

tania007, Nov 29, 2:50am
My mum used to make a diabetic trifle just substitute jam for diabetic jam, use sugar free fruit,make custard with trim milk and sucaryl and jelly use diabetic jelly.

lennyb1, Nov 29, 1:55pm
I was going to suggest the cheese plate idea, but Dazz beat me to it - I hadn't considered the uber-dark choc on the plate, though.I do use crackers, but currently using the newer rice crackers, like Vita-Weat multigrain.There is only so much you can recommend, because as lythande1 and cgvl illustrated, one diabetic can tolerate what another can't.

roseann48, Nov 29, 2:36pm
You are welcome macwood2. When set it is a cheesecake texture & eaily eaten but young & old.

roseann48, Nov 29, 2:37pm
I mean 'by young & old'

uli, Nov 29, 4:28pm
You could make some nut crackers, they are very low in carbs.

bedazzledjewels, Nov 29, 8:06pm
I use rounds of cucumber with cheese sometimes or just eat it straight.

uli, Nov 29, 10:33pm
My favourite entree or after dinner snack is a plate full of cucumber slices topped with cream cheese and smoked salmon and a bit of fresh dill on top :)