Righto.have been out to buy a crockpot yesterday, filled it up today, have used chicken piece's & afew lamb hocks for the meat (b/f insisted), pototoes, kumara & pumkin covered with cabbage, had no room for stuffing, hardly had room for cabbage & it's a 6.5litre crockpot biggest i could find lol.will post update on how it turns out! Carn't wait. Have also been online & ordered the liquid smoke for next time, all thing's in moderation wont hurt you i reckon ;-)
Oct 14, 3:22am
Thank's janny.well it was beauty! Chicken & lamb fell off the bone, everything cooked perfectly, i reckon with that liquid smoke it will be just AWESOME.
Oct 15, 1:57am
LOL *pushes pepa over* i'mmmm getting TIP'S woman! Hey great stuff over here, i even getting into doing some actual "cooking" now lol. Yep we had 1 done in the oven tray last week, a mate cooked it for us & omg that was yummo to, feed our house(4), my old lady's(3), my old man's(2) & b/f's grandfather(we took him over a plate made up)! The crockpot only does enough for US, but i think we are pig's lol.
Oct 16, 10:58pm
OMG i know, it feed just us, but that's all i wona feed with it so am happy, we have the liquid smoke now so will give it a go prob next week sometime & see how that goes. The lamb come out beauty, you should try it ;-)
Oct 17, 12:21am
I've done this sort of thing using oven bags with meat and veges all in the one bag and cooked slowly in the oven for hours. Yummy! Try it with different flavours, e.g., put lamb or mutton in with veges and some yoghourt and tandoori paste. Delicious! Or beef and veges with some tomato paste, mushrooms, and a little wine and stock. Its always best when the flavours are robust and the vegetables chunky.
Oct 17, 10:50am
no1niki, you made me droole so much I went to Mad Butcher but the price of lamb was too much & settled for boring ol chicken.Least he had a little watercress left & the veg shop had some cabbage.So now we'll see about your liquid smoke.Bin Inn's $2.50 doesn't seem a bad price, for smoke either.
Oct 17, 10:29pm
Lol @ janny.we got our lamb hock's from the Meat Warehouse, 2 for $5 so we got 2 pack's & i brought 2kg tegal chicken drumstick's from the supermarket & used 4 piece's of them in the hangi.was soooo yummo! I saw the lamb hock's in Pak n Save other day when was in there for same price, so have a look next time your near either janny. Yeeep meat is so expensive these day's, sheesh where's all the hunter/gatherer's when ya want them lol. Yea i'm interested to see what the liquid smoke turns out like as well, so will do another this week sometime.god damn hope it turns out as we brought the 250ml bottle instead of the 100ml as worked out cheaper for more lol *bang's head on desk*. Gee didn't know you could get it from Bin Inn.i will go check our's out & see if we have it & have a sniff n see if smell's similar.
Oct 17, 10:49pm
Got mine on now, think its done! I put it on at 11am. Added some liquid smoke. Should take a pic of it.
Oct 18, 6:03am
*frowns* well gee coyoteblonde it's not nice to take photo's to tease us all now lol.i'm sooo drooling right now! Look's fab.carn't wait to hear how the liquid smoke tasted.
Oct 19, 7:12pm
Where do you buy the liquid smoke!
Oct 20, 1:13am
definely a must try i have been doing mine in the oven crockpot seems easier, the oven way you can freeze some for later, in tinfoil plates place what you want to eat chop,pork carrot, cabbage,potato,kumera,stuffing- just whatever you want, cover with tinfoil, in a roasting dish put some water to cover the bottom, add a dash of tea tree oil, place your plates of food in the roasting dish cover with more tinfoil cook in oven until you can smell the hangi smell
Oct 22, 5:30pm
Hi All, thanks for tips, yum gonna try this.For the whole chicken and veges, how long does everyone recommend to cook for in 6.5 litres slow cooker!On high for 2 hours then down low for 4!Or just leave on low all day!What works best please!
Oct 23, 2:14am
What about the authentic steamed pud that goes with hangi! I've got 2 crockpots but don't have a recipe
Oct 26, 1:18am
Gee duno anabelles.i have a mate i'm going to see shortly i can ask her.she make's all that kinda stuff & it's FAB! Holy coyoteblonde.where's the $2.50 pack's! Of liquid smoke! Damn i missed those lol.dooh! I haven't tried our's yet from that place over Nelson.BUT i think i will tomorrow night as all this talk is making my mouth water. Yea Sunday hangi meal sounds like my kinda tradition to lol.
Oct 31, 12:41am
You will have to wait for coyoteblonde to answer that micky as not sure how much is in those $2.50 packs! I put about 2 teaspoon's of mine into a bowl of water like someone suggested in here & then dropped my vege's into it, then took them out when had everything org for crockpot & shook excess off & that was me.was yummo!
Nov 3, 1:06am
LMAO micky.go you!
Nov 22, 3:18am
Just bumping
Nov 22, 9:59pm
this sounds so yummy! Just wondering about the size of the potatoes/pumpkin/kumara! Into bite size or leave quite large!
Nov 23, 12:09am
Hiya I been making this for ages if you buy liquid smoke it makes it even more real you just soak the potato kumara pumpkin bits in a pot of water with 1 or 2 drops of liquid smoke maybe for a couple of hours dont dry off just drop it into the cooker ;0) Yummo ! you can get it online from Zarbo .http://www.zarbo.co.nz/afaw- cs0139996/CATID=/ID=746/SID=10- 28445078/productdetails.html
Nov 23, 2:28am
Normal portion size will do, you'd just need to let it cook away for a few hours.I make mine the night before, then in the morning flick the switch on for all day.It's ready at dinner time.Otherwise cook it on high for a few hours, as previously mentioned.ENJOY!
Nov 30, 1:03am
I would love the recipe for the steamed pudding and custard too please, if someone has it to share! Oh my goodness, I'm drooling! It has to be the real Maori steamed pudding recipe please! Thanks so much.
Dec 1, 6:35pm
Okay ladies and gentlemen, I have my slow cooker on with the potatoes on the bottom, a chook on top of that. Next, there's kumara and pumpkin on top of that. Then cabbage leaves, couldn't fit many in the slow cooker. My home made stuffing is on top of that, then some tin foil. Hopefully, the hangi will be ready by 6pm, as five of my children and three of my grandchildren will be here for tea. I also have more hangi cooking in the oven, have not long put it in.
Dec 1, 6:40pm
Would some kind/helpful person please give me a rough estimate of how long the hangi in the oven will take to cook! I have pork chops, a small amount of potatoes, pumpkin and kumara, then I layered heaps of cabbage leaves on top. Next came the tinfoil, then the lid. I also added some cut up bacon bones to my hangi in the oven, and to the hangi in the slow cooker. I couldn't get a bacon hock, I think that bacon bones are great for a smokey flavour. That's my little tip. Thanks in advance, for any info.
Dec 11, 8:09pm
Just bumping this up, it sounds great would love to try. Does anyone have the hangi steam pud recipie!It is sooo yum and I haven;t found a recipie yet.
Cheers all
Dec 12, 2:13am
This is gonna be a new fave in our house. Had no trouble getting the kids to eat this. Thanks for a great feed. Tino Pai Kai !
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