Does anyone have a recipe for Hunza Pie!It's not heard of much nowadays but it uses lots of silverbeet or spinach among other things. Thanks
Nov 15, 7:40pm
apparently this one was made at waikato hosp for some time.
Hunza Pie 3 sheets shortcrust pasrty 1 cup long grain rice 1/2 tsp salt 2 bunches silverbeet 1kg pumpkin, roughly chopped nutmeg salt and pepper 3 cups grated cheese mixed herbs 3 sliced tomatoes
1. pre heat oven to 160C. line pie or quiche dish with pastry and blind bake for 10mins 2. Cook and drain rice 3. Discard tough silver beet stems, chop and lightly steam over medium heat 4, cook pumpkin in a saucepan with a little water until tender, puree and add nutmeg, salt and pepper 5. sprinkle 1 cup of cheese and some mixed herbs over the base of the pie and cover with half of the rice 6. Place silverbeet on rice and add another cup of cheese 7. Cover with pumpkin puree and then with remaining rice 8. Top with tomatoes and remaining cheese and herbs 9. bake for around 35 mins
I havent made this myself but it sounds like it makes a really huge pie
Nov 15, 7:41pm
Sounds yummy.
Nov 15, 9:50pm
Nothing to do with the Hunza peoples of course :)
Nov 15, 10:36pm
Google alison holst hunza pie.
Nov 15, 10:47pm
I dimly remember from the Hippie days of the seventies that "Hunza"was used as an adjective indicating that a dish was regarded as healthy.Probably because the Hunza people were known for longevity.I think it was applied to vegetarian dishes with lots of whole grains.
Nov 15, 11:13pm
This was a staple of many 70's vegetarian cafes.Might be time to re-visit this one.
Nov 15, 11:13pm
This was a staple of many 70's vegetarian cafes.
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