I don't see what the fuss is about. The piece I had today did not taste nice. It tasted powdery.
Nov 1, 1:47am
I tried one too . and did not like it either. Was so excited since i heard they were so yummy. Was disappointed.
Nov 1, 2:20am
Agree, when up in South Canterbury recently tried one in a coffee shop and thought the custard had an unusual taste. Found better elsewhere - and cheaper!
Nov 1, 2:31am
Same, think they are tasteless, can't understand how others rave about them.
Nov 1, 2:57am
not forthepricetheycharge!onlycustardwithcreamthru
Nov 1, 1:41pm
Same with those macaroons, horrible little nasty things, bah humbug
Nov 1, 2:41pm
I Love Denheath Custard Squares :) Macaroons! Not so much.
Nov 1, 3:10pm
Cool - lets all be honest about stuff people rave about that we actually dont like - I despise corriander!
Nov 1, 3:18pm
OK.Coffee.I love a good HOT cup of coffee, but loathe anything else with coffee flavour.No Tiramisu, No coffee cake, No Iced coffee.just HOT in my cup thank you.my husband thinks I am very odd.lol
Nov 1, 3:26pm
I'm the opposite herself - can't stand coffee to drink, but love cofffee cake etc.
Nov 1, 6:01pm
I don't like the Denheath either. Give me an old fashioned Custard Square with the firm custard in the centre not that light fluffy tasteless stuff.
Nov 1, 6:58pm
Olives - bleurgh!
Nov 1, 7:32pm
At last, I thought I was the only one who hated Denheath's Custard Squares. And I love a good custard square (just like the ones from the bakery in Green Bay.yumm). I've searched for a good recipe but can't find one.
Nov 1, 7:44pm
Someone on here once said the Denheathones had cream cheese in the recipe, not sure if true, but for the price they charge I thought they would be superb. Local bakery does a good CS.
Nov 1, 9:53pm
heehee.I lurrve Olives.glad we all have different tastes.something else I can't stand.Surimi.man I hate that stuff.
Nov 1, 10:07pm
The hate coriander club has its own Facebook page ;)
yes i think they use cream cheese in the icing on top of the custard squares
Nov 2, 12:47am
I have to agree too i was so excited to try one and what a dissapointment the texture was terrible and the taste was awful.The recipe that someone placed on the recipe thread made with cream cheese is just beautiful!
Nov 2, 3:59am
Tried my first one last week and I also was disappointed, in some ways I was pleased as I will not be tempted again. Nothing like a good old custard square!
Nov 2, 3:16pm
I love them.they need to be fresh though and at room temp. to get the full flavour.Maybe they have changed the recipe since I last ate one!The ones from New World are quite good.
Nov 2, 7:03pm
I love them. I also love roasted Almonds but loathe Almond Essense in baking - tastes nothing like Almonds.
Nov 2, 7:40pm
I love almonds too but hate almond essence. Almond icing is the worst - yuk!
Nov 2, 10:49pm
Ha ha, I am the opposite, will have anything with coffee flavour EXCEPT.drinking coffee, I just can not drink it.
Nov 2, 10:56pm
I do not like instant coffee. I think they are yuk. I do like the real stuff though but don't have it too often.
Nov 2, 11:00pm
I had heard so much about it but live in auz so had to wait till I was home to try it. Did all the research to see where I would find it and then made special time to go down to the cafe and try it. I was so disappointed. I would rather have the good old fashioned ones or even the ones made with instant pudding and cream. That is nice also. Glad I am not the only one. The custard was not very sweet and it had this powdery taste to it. The icing was alright.
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