Cooking on a gas bbq - question

mattdylan, Oct 22, 5:00pm
So I have never used a gas bbq before (I know), are they easy to cook on, and do you have to clean them all up after use! what are some tips! Thanks!

cgvl, Oct 22, 6:11pm
Before 1st use give the grilling plates a good scrub with hot soapy water and then rinse well.Heat and oil them, not too heavy with the oil. Oh and put some tin foil underneath the burners so that when the fat etc drips from the meat its easier to clean up.
Yes very easy to cook on, just turn on about 10mins before you want to cook. I cook meat and veg on ours all summer.
After use I either wash in hot water or sprinkle salt on and rub down . usually wash and re oil though.

misskittydragon, Oct 23, 4:51pm
I was very hesitant to cook on our gas bbq at the start. Now I wouldn't be without it and use it to cook nearly every night. You dont say what model of BBQ you have so i am not sure how easy it would be. Ours is a six burner and has a side burner as well.I can cook Roasts to damper with ours and it is easy to use once I got over my nervousness.

I cooked the masterchief allstars macaroni and cheese last night and it was delicious.Very easy to look after as I strip and clean the plates and deep dish when we finish and give it a good coating of oil as stated above so the food dosn't stick.

Just watch your temperature as we have a Stylus and at times it can get to hot even tho we turn the gas down. We also use fat adsorber to control any fat/juices that comes of the meat. If you have a manual with your bbq make sure that you read it thoughly as it will give you some good tips on cleaning and usage.

whitehead., Oct 23, 5:16pm
first check you have some kitty litter to catch the fat ,mine has a shot to run the fat into a very small box under the burners so i removed the box and use a tin bucket half full of kitty litter instead . then stand back and think fire and will the flames reach the roof if so move things out into the open .but not in the windthen clean every thing up and oil lightly .you also need light to cook with ,have a safe fun summer . the next door cats will get rid of anything you burn

purplegoanna, Oct 23, 9:13pm
kitty litter or riversand, (i use riversand cos we've got a huge pile of it for my avairys) (dont use beach sand as its to high in salt which will corrode the tray your sitting it in)