Calories KGB Black Russian

jons11, Oct 11, 1:30am
Anyone know how can I work out the calories in a KGB black russian! Tried numerous websites.

nfh1, Oct 11, 1:47am
This may give you a clue, but if you drink enough you will not care.

jons11, Oct 11, 1:54am
Yea, thats wot I been working on. Bugger, hoped it was a bit less haha

schnauzer11, Oct 11, 5:49am
For goodness's sake!You're wieght-watching,while drinking RTDs!When I lost my 30 kg,(many years ago,perhaps about your age)over a year-when I went to the pub with my mates,I'd order a vodka\soda with lime.I'm sure you could work out a similar drink for you-but,NO sugar!Any alcohol with soda(zero cals),if you must drink.Just avoid the sugary sodas,and RTDs.Best of luck to you my dear-I've kept the 30 kg off for many years,now loving my food, and reflect on how naive I was in my 20's,and how proud of myself now.I wish you all the best.Check on-line for help with food values.